Hunter x Hunter 1999 is a mix of Adventure, Fantasy, and Martial Arts genre series that has 62 episodes, which first aired on October 16, 1999. The anime series is based on the manga of the same name that is written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi, the most well-known manga artist in the world, especially in the manga industry.
Three parts of the Hunter x Hunter follow the main storyline, which has 240 episodes in total, but the 1999 part has only 62 episodes, after which it had a halt. Kazuhiro Furuhashi directed it, and Nippon Animation Studio created the fantastic series.
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Source: Vizmedia
Plot of The Hunter x Hunter 1999
The Hunter x Hunter 1999 part follows the story of Gon Freecss, who thought he was an orphan but later found that his dad, Ging Freecss, is alive through one of his apprentices, Kite. After that, he decided to find his dad, and for that, he wanted to become a Hunter, so he went for the Hunter Exam, which is one of the toughest exams in the world.
In the Hunter exam, Gon meets with Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, who become his dear friends, especially Killua, one of th main characters. As the stories unfold, many incidents have so many twists that make the series more interesting to watch.
The series has many fighting scenes, which makes it one of the most popular. The part has the Phantom Troupe Arc against which the Gon group fought. Also, the Zoldyck Family, who are the family of Killua, tried to kill the Phantom Troupe but failed to do that. In the end, the Gon group reunites to walk on another adventurous path to find Gon's father and fight against the Ants.
FAQs on Hunter x Hunter 1999
A. You can watch Hunter x Hunter 2011 on streaming platforms like Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Crunchyroll in the US region.
A. There are a total of 148 episodes of Hunter x Hunter 2011, including six arcs and OVAs.
A. The last episode of the Hunter x Hunter 1999 part of anime series which is the first season air on March 31st, 2001.