Hunter x Hunter chapter 405, titled Performance, was released on Monday, November 4, 2024, in Japan. This chapter depicts the growing tensions between the Kakin Mafia and the Heil-Ly Family, suggesting that a war breaking out between them may be imminent. The Heil-Ly Family is intent on destroying everything, and they appear to be preparing extensively for this goal.
Morena is plotting to exploit Halkenburg's funeral procession. In the previous chapter, it was revealed that Halkenburg allowed Balsamilco's biological weapon to infect his body, ultimately leading to his death. With Halkenburg's consciousness now residing in Balsamilco's body through Nen, he faced an urgent need to secure victory in the Succession War before he loses Balsamilco’s body.
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Morena’s plans are revealed while the Phantom Troupe strategizes with the mafia in Hunter x Hunter chapter 405
The real Hisoka's location revealed

Hunter x Hunter chapter 405 begins in a casino where Hisoka is playing a unique variation of poker. Then, after winning a jackpot, he reflects on how he remained unaffected by the events surrounding the Chimera Ants and the Rumblings on the Black Whale, which he learned is a group activity fueled by a Nen Beast. His true desire, however, is to engage in a battle against another person.
In a corner, Bonolenov watches him, wondering if the Hisoka he sees is the real deal or just another fake. A flashback reveals Chrollo instructing Bonolenov to disguise himself as Hisoka to attract the attention of the mafia. They will then move him to a VIP area because they see Hisoka as a possible threat to the power balance.
Chrollo cautions Bonolenov that the real Hisoka may have already encountered a prince and secured a place in Tier 1. So he must be careful not to cross paths with him if the Mafia invites him to a VIP section.
Bonolenov remembers how Lynch found out he was an impostor and that he had to kill her to keep his cover. Now he is worried that if the Mafia connects her death to the real Hisoka, they might retaliate against him. Bonolenov hopes that nothing like that will happen and that Chrollo will get his revenge by finding the treasure on the Black Whale and using it to get rid of Hisoka once and for all.
The Phantom Troupe meets the Mafia

In Hunter x Hunter chapter 405, members of the Phantom Troupe, including Nobunaga, Feitan, and Phinks, are engaged in a discussion with Wang and Tajao.
Nobunaga suggests that the Heil-Ly Family aboard the Black Whale may not truly be the Heil-Ly Family, despite Morena's official appointment as the new leader. He argues that their behavior does not align with that of a typical mafia organization. Wang interprets this to imply that the former leader was manipulated using Nen and subsequently killed.
Nobunaga observes that the new Heil-Ly Family appears to have a hierarchical structure, with strategies set by Morena while specific decisions are made by the members. He also notes their indiscriminate killings of civilians seem to be aimed at acquiring supernatural powers through human sacrifices to achieve their goal of more destruction.
Upon hearing this, Tajao informs the Phantom Troupe that Xi-Yu and the Cha-R Families will be offering their support. But Wang, who is revealed to be allied with Morena, considers the Phantom Troupe to be troublesome as they might reach her sooner than expected.
Later in Hunter x Hunter chapter 405, the trio is seen opening a door in an alleyway and reacting with surprise at what they find.
Heil-Ly Family’s plans

Hunter x Hunter chapter 405 shifts the focus to Morena, who considers the funeral procession for Halkenburg as an ideal moment for her plans due to the expected large turnout. She asks Dogman, who has reached level 62, to locate a specific person.
Dogman possesses the ability to detect a person's Nen type within a five-meter radius and assess their proficiency within two meters. If he gets even closer, he can even identify the individual by sniffing them.
It is also disclosed that numerous members of the Heil-Ly Family have been training to exact revenge on Hinrigh.
Final thoughts
Hunter x Hunter chapter 405 leaves several details unexplored, such as what Nobunaga and his companions witness at the end of the chapter and the identity of the individual Morena is trying to recruit. These unanswered questions create a lot of suspense for readers who look forward to the upcoming installments.
On the other hand, the assassination plots are now out in the open. So many characters have already met their end and many more are expected to follow if the characters' current plans unfold as intended.
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