With the alleged Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers, fans expected the manga to show Nobunaga, Feitan, and Phinks confront the Heil-Ly Family. While the manga does not indulge in the same for long, it saw some major developments, especially surrounding the Xi-Yu Family and Chrollo Lucilfer.
The previous chapter saw Bonolenov shapeshift as Hisoka to trick the Mafia into believing that they contained the Floor Master. Elsewhere, Tevelares, Daemon, and Quorolle prepare to hunt down Mafia members as Tajao takes the Nobunaga, Feitan, and Phinks through the Cha-R's route.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Hunter X Hunter manga.
Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers: Chrollo decides to put aside his vendetta with Hisoka

According to Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers, the upcoming chapter is titled "Sacred Treasure." The chapter opened with Tajao guiding the Phantom Troupe trio through a narrow passage to confront the Heil-Ly family. They realized they were vulnerable without weapons, but decided to keep going on.
Soon after, Tajao took the three Phantom Troupe members through a filthy area filled with wastewater dumped by 200,000 people. This helped them realize how the Xi-Yu and Heil-Ly families do a poor waste management job by dumping their responsibilities on lower levels. The group then discussed security flaws and confirmed routes leading to Tier 3. Right after, Nobunaga headed back to gather intel if possible.

Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers then switched to the Xi-Yu family as Hinrigh and Zakuro confirmed Lynch's death. The body was found by Halkenburg guards. They speculate how she died and what they needed to do next. They suspected that a shapeshifter was in the works as the Lynch they found earlier must have been an imposter.
Zakuro further noted that the Lynch they found was trying to identify Hisoka. So, there is a good chance that the shapeshifter killed Lynch to avoid any interference due to her ability to see through bluffs. Upon this realization, Hinrigh stated that the Xi-Yu family would avenge Lynch's death.

Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers then switched to the Halkenburg funeral procession as Chrollo Lucilfer could be seen using his Skill Hunter Book. He used the book to activate to conjure a phone. He then initiated a call, whose rings could be heard throughout the procession crowd. The announcement informed that Halkenburg wasn't present yet.
As for Chrollo, he said to the phone that he was after the three sacred treasures of Kakin used in the Succession War. Chrollo knew that if the Mafia found out about Hisoka being on board, they would likely search for him throughout the tiers. However, his goal wasn't just to fight Hisoka but he also wanted to obtain the sacred treasures.

Given that the Kakin would heavily guard the sacred treasures, Chrollo needed a foolproof plan that took advantage of the current situation. The treasures are essential for the Succession War as they represent power and control. Hence, Chrollo knew he needed to be at his best.
While Hisoka's presence could ruin his plans, the Kakin treasures were a higher priority. Thus, Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers saw Chrollo decide to put his personal vendetta with Hisoka aside for the time being.
Chrollo continues in thought:
"The preparations for the next move are already in place. The Phantom Troupe will continue. Even if I die, the Troupe I designed...That alone is enough to inspire fear!!!"
Moments later, Hunter X Hunter Chapter 406 spoilers saw the phone ringing out. Right after, the conjured phone told Chrollo that it had located the person he had dialed, but they were in an area where Nen waves could not reach. With that, the phone asked him if he wanted to change his position. From the spoilers, it seemed like Chrollo needed to reach the location above him, i.e., Tier 1.
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