Gotoh is a prominent character in the manga and anime series Hunter x Hunter. He holds a crucial role as a loyal butler of the Zoldyck Family - a distinguished family that comprises of skilled assassins like Zeno Zoldyck and Silva Zoldyck. Gotoh is an expert in martial arts and utilizes Nen abilities of type Enhancement and displaying unwavering loyalty towards the Zoldyck Family.
However, he was killed off by Hisoka while he was accompanying Killua and Alluka to the hospital, during the seventh arc of the Hunter x Hunter series - the 13th Hunter Association Chairman Election arc. Since then, fans have been wondering if Gotoh could make a surprise return by miraculously coming back from the dead. However, that possibility seems bleak.
Gotoh may not return from the dead in Hunter x Hunter
No, Gotoh doesn't return from the dead, as per the Hunter x Hunter manga. Following the events in the Hunter x Hunter series involving the Chairman Election and Gon's treatment, Canary and Amane pay a visit to Gotoh's resting place. It becomes apparent that Kiriko's son has been posing as Gotoh.
This incident suggests that the Zoldyck family took the help of Kiriko to conceal Gotoh's demise from Killua and Alluka. As such, this news may disappoint fans who had hoped for Gotoh's revival since it suggests that his story has possibly reached its final chapter.
Gotoh during Zoldyck Family arc
Gotoh first appeared in the Hunter x Hunter series in the Zoldyck Family arc. When Gon and the others reached the Zoldyck compound, Zebero called to inform Killua that his friends had come to meet him. However, the call was picked by Gotoh, who shoved aside their requests and asked the group not to try to communicate with Killua since he didn't have any friends.
An infuriated Gon then tried to reason with Gotoh to seek entry into the Zoldyck Estate, only to be denied fearing Killua's safety. A few days later, the group showed up at the Testing Gate and entered the compund after opening one of the gates. After getting past Canary, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika finally met Gotoh.
Gotoh seated and played a game with them to pass the time until Killua returned. After Killua arrived and reunited with the group, they prepare to leave. When leaving, Gon asked Gotoh if he would miss Killua, to which the latter replied that he won't.
However, Gon saw through his lie and called him a liar before he leaves. Before leaving, Gotoh asked Gon to play one last game with him, which ended in the protaginist's loss. Gotoh then taught Gon a valuable lesson about how things in the world are not as they appear to be and asked him to take good care of Killua.
Gotoh during the 13th Hunter Association Chairman Election arc
There were a few mentions of Gotoh in the Hunter x Hunter anime during the Heaven's Arena arc and the Yorknew City arc. However, the next major screentime of Gotoh happened during the 13th Hunter Association Chairman Election arc.
During this time, Killua took Alluka out of the Zoldyck Estate. There, he met Gotoh, who informed him that Level 4 restrictions had been placed on him for taking Alluka outside. Gotoh then assumed responsibility of accompanying Killua and Alluka to the hospital, where Gon had undergone a treatment.
On their way, they are ambushed by a couple of cars whose drivers were being controlled by Illumi. This made their car drive off a cliff. At the bottom of the cliff, everyone was unscathed and fine. Killua activated Godspeed and rushed to where Gon was. Gotoh, Amane, and Canary tried to go after Killua, but they were confronted by Hisoka. Gotoh asked Canary and Amane to go on ahead as he would handle Hisoka.
He and Hisoka had a heated fight where both seemed equally powerful. However, tragedy befell Gotoh when Hisoka killed him. This devastating event left a void not only in the hearts of the Zoldyck family but also among fans of the series. Thus, the death of Gotoh in the series means that he won't return to the series anymore.