I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is an anime adaptation of the novel written by the Japanese writer Yoru Sumino. It has taken the world by storm with its heart wrenching ending, which is said to be one of the most hurtful moments in the history of anime.
The plot of the movie developed quite decently till the end when Sakura passed away. It has a reputation of making even the toughest people burst out in tears. I Want To Eat Your Pancreas had an immense fanbase when it came out, and gradually, a higher number of people started to like it with the days passing by.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas: The most hurtful ending in anime, explained
Haruki, an introverted high school student, discovers a little notebook belonging to a classmate named Sakura, which leads him to realize that she had a deadly disease, but he doesn't appear to care much about her.
Sakura is intrigued by Haruki's reaction and begins to follow him around. The two get closer as the novel unfolds and they spend more time together.
It is not a storybook love story, and there is no happily ever after. As the narrative takes a tragic turn, things get quite stressful. It takes viewers on an extraordinary emotional trip. This is a story of love, pain, and loss. The anime is a piece of art that has the power to make spectators cry.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' ending has been a hot topic among fans. It is indeed a sad story, but there are certain things to discuss, and the ending is one of them.
As mentioned before, the story portrays Sakura and Haruki as polar opposites in the beginning of the movie and how they intrinsicly balance each other out. Haruki is shown to be less connected to other human beings as he doesn't really care much about other people. On the other hand, Sakura is an outspoken girl who is never afraid to share her thoughts.
Both of them connect well and the story gradually progresses with their bond growing strong.The relationship they share is hard to put into words, it's not friendship or they aren't lovers either.
Both of them seem to enjoy the other's company and it eventually leads to them realizing that she is going to die.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is not a story about dying, but a story about finding out what it means to be alive. Sometimes the presence of death is a wake-up call people need to let themselves reflect towards being alive and leaving a foot-print on the ones they are going to leave behind.
Sakura was quite youthful even though she knew very well that she was going to die. The young girl did leave a lot of things behind, a lesson about life being one of them. She didn't let the gravity of the true reality pull her down and always had a smile on her face, which covered the scars residing inside her.
The story of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas ended with a beautiful conclusion about how the two central characters left something behind with one another that was so pleasing yet so afflicting.