Ajin manga, created by Gamon Sakurai, debuted in 2012. The captivating storyline has not only garnered worldwide recognition but also inspired an anime adaptation and a live-action film. Polygon Pictures produced the anime series, which found its way to Netflix in 2016.
The anime series received a mix of reviews, but the manga garnered praise for its unique storyline and well-developed characters. This article explores whether the Ajin manga is worth reading and delves into how Netflix's use of it as their experimental subject for CGI anime affected the original source material negatively.
Ajin manga is a must-read for lovers of horror and mystery
The manga has garnered acclaim for its original storyline and well-crafted characters. The narrative revolves around Kei Nagai, a high school student who unexpectedly discovers his status as an Ajin—an immortal entity. Regarded as a menace by the government, Ajin are relentlessly pursued for capture and experimentation. In a bid to evade persecution, Kei finds himself on the run, accompanied by fellow resilient Ajin determined to resist government oppression.
It received praise for its unique approach to the immortal being concept. Although the Ajin can be killed, they possess the ability to resurrect themselves within a brief timeframe. This intriguing dynamic instills both fear and fierce pursuit of the Ajin while simultaneously fostering camaraderie among their own kind.
The characters in the Ajin manga exhibit intricate development and possess multifaceted motivations. Kei, in particular, defies the archetype of a conventional hero and frequently makes ethically ambiguous choices. Similarly, the other Ajin are portrayed with depth and individual reasons for their resistance against the government.
Overall, the Ajin manga is definitely worth reading for fans of the genre. The unique storyline and well-developed characters make it a standout series.
How did Netflix ruin the anime adaptation of Ajin Manga?
The Ajin manga garnered high praise, but the anime adaptation by Polygon Pictures, released on Netflix in 2016, received mixed reviews. One notable criticism was directed towards its utilization of CGI animation. While CGI has proven successful in other anime series, it fell short when applied to Ajin's visuals. The animation often appeared rigid and lacked the fluidity inherent in traditional animation techniques.
The impact of CGI animation on character designs was detrimental. While the manga characters are well-crafted and exhibit a distinct appearance, the anime series presented them in a generic manner, devoid of the unique personalities found in their manga counterparts.
The pacing emerged as a significant issue within the anime series. It attempted to condense an excessive amount of storyline into a limited timeframe, resulting in a rushed and perplexing narrative. Additionally, alterations were made to the source material that proved unsuccessful, particularly regarding changes to certain characters' personalities.
The anime series failed to do justice to the source material, resulting in the loss of the unique storyline and well-developed characters found in the manga. The poor animation and rushed storyline were detrimental factors contributing to this downfall.
Final Thoughts
Fans of the genre will love the Ajin manga. Its unique storyline and well-developed characters set it apart as a standout series. However, the 2016 anime adaptation by Polygon Pictures and released on Netflix fell short of doing justice to the source material. The subpar animation and rushed storyline left fans disappointed. For manga enthusiasts, sticking to the original source material is advisable while avoiding the anime series.