Black Butler is a popular Shonen manga series written and illustrated by Yana Toboso that has been serialized in Square Enix's Shonen manga monthly magazine named GFantasy or Gungun Fantasy, since September 2006. The television show centers on Ciel Phantomhive, the Earl of Phantomhive who is Queen's Watchdog and is in charge of resolving crimes in Victorian-era London's underworld.
Furthermore, Ciel has a deal with a demon named Sebastian Michaelis, who poses as his butler, to take revenge on the people who killed his parents in exchange for his soul. With that, the manga series has become very popular because of its unusual blending of genres since its release.
But there are few who have questioned whether or not the manga is supernatural. To this, it can be added that The Black Butler is a supernatural manga that also combines a number of other genres.
Black Butler manga is a blend of supernatural, mystery, comedy, and action
While the plot of the Black Butler manga does include some supernatural elements, it is not entirely a supernatural manga due to Ciel's involvement in a number of mysteries, supernatural battles, and murder investigations while serving as the Queen's watchdog.
In addition, because Victorian-era London had a number of cases, the mystery of the plot grows with each new case. As a result, the Black Butler manga becomes more of a mystery-thriller with a supernatural element.
Furthermore, Sebastian is not only a well-trained butler, demon, and brilliant fighter making the Black Butler manga an action-jam-packed manga. Not only Sebastian but also, Baldroy, Ciel's personal chef, is a former American Army tactician. Another character, Finnian, a gardener who works as part of the Phantomhive household staff, is actually a human experimenter with super strength.
Finally, the maid of the Phantomhive household and another side character named Mey-Rin is a sniper user who can kill someone without even using a scope. In addition to supernatural, mystery, and action themes, the Black Butler manga also frequently depicts psychological themes, such as mind games and language manipulation.
However, just because the manga has a variety of themes doesn't mean one can't also expect any comedic elements from it. The comedy scenes in it frequently help to lighten the tone of the account and add some much-needed humor to the narrative.
For example, even if a previous chapter featured a battle that lasted several chapters, the most recent chapters or even the most serious moments will contain some humorous sights that may be in the form of the characters' interactions. Additionally, the manga has a much larger cast of characters as it goes along.
Final thoughts
Therefore, it can be said that Black Butler manga is not a typical supernatural manga but rather a blend of different genres that offers the reader mysterious, comedic, fantasy, and supernatural elements. Since its publishing began in 2006, the manga has become one of the most well-known and praised manga series due to its engaging characters, great plot, and countless strange situations.
Not only that, but the anime enjoyed the same level of hype as the manga when season one of the anime adaptation of the same-named manga was released by A-1 Pictures in 2008, followed by season two in 2010, and season three in 2014.
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