Boruto episode 293, titled Farewell, marked the completion of Part 1 of the anime, leaving fans overwhelmed with its intense action, animation quality, and storyline. With improvisation at the end, it has been considered one of the perfect anime endings.
However, the episode raised a question that has been lingering in viewers' minds for quite some time now: "Is Boruto a complete Otsutsuki now?" According to the explanation from the episode, it can be assumed that he is now a complete Otsutsuki.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.
Boruto’s resurrection as a complete Otsutsuki explained
Episode 293 opened with Naruto reminiscing about Boruto after Kawaki killed him in the previous episode. Eventually, the main protagonist was resurrected after Momoshiki intervened in the matter. Momoshiki explained that he brought the titular protagonist back to life by using the last Karma extraction part to fix the damaged part of his vessel's body.
Momoshiki stated that there was only 18% extraction left to resurrect himself. But with the protagonist's body severely damaged, there was no other option but to use the remaining data to bring him back to life.
In episode 293, Momoshiki's explanation revealed that Boruto is now a full-fledged Otsutsuki, as the full data extraction of Karma is complete. It is almost impossible for Momoshiki to return to life now, as he used the rest of the Karma data to bring him back.
It is worth noting that Momoshiki's warning implies that the titular protagonist's transformation comes with consequences. If he dies again, there will be no chance of resurrection. Furthermore, he is now a potential target for those seeking to use him for their gains, such as those who seek the power of the Ten-Tails.
With all the facts and explanations, it can be assumed that the series' protagonist is now a complete Otsutsuki. The completion of the Karma extraction process, along with Momoshiki's warning, hints at the protagonist's transformation into a full-fledged Otsutsuki. However, it remains to be seen how this transformation will affect the protagonist's future, especially with Momoshiki's ominous warning.
The implications of Boruto's transformation are significant for the storylines of the anime and manga. As a complete Otsutsuki, the main protagonist's powers have likely increased exponentially. This could lead to new problems and conflicts for the main character and his allies.
Final thoughts
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations got its due appreciation with the perfect ending to the final episode of Part 1 of the anime. The episode overall was a banger and brought praise to the production team. The fact that the main protagonist is now a complete Otsutsuki has added a new and exciting element to the series, and it could change how the story goes.
As fans await the release of Part 2 of the anime series, they can turn to the manga to learn more about the titular protagonist's transformation and what it means for the series' future. The manga of the series is currently at its peak. The upcoming chapter is scheduled to be released on April 20, 2023. It will be available to read on Shueisha’s affiliated website and app.