The anime Chained Soldier recently premiered in the Winter 2024 anime season, garnering significant attention with a current rating of 7.23 on MyAnimeList at the time of writing. However, the new anime isn't just a typical action fantasy anime but is also an ecchi series.
As fans are aware, High School DxD stands out as one of the most popular ecchi anime. Hence, the question arises: Is Chained Soldier's rising popularity a sign of it becoming the next High School DxD?
Chained Soldier (Mato Seihei no Slave) is a Japanese manga series written by Takahiro and illustrated by Yohei Takemura. The manga began serialization on Shueisha's Shōnen Jump+ online platform in January 2019. Following that, anime studio Seven Arcs picked it up to produce an anime adaptation for the same.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Chained Soldier manga and reflects the author's opinion.
Can Chained Soldier become the new High School DxD for the new generation?
Yes, Chained Soldier could become the next High School DxD for the new generation. Broadly, one could say the two anime are similar with respect to the ecchi genre and scenarios that lead the protagonist to have risque moments with the female leads.
However, the two series have some distinctions that make them unique, making the new anime a unique experience despite its similarities. Firstly, the two series have very distinct protagonists.
Yuuki Wakura from Chained Soldier is an idealistic, generous, and attentive person who is willing to risk his life to protect his loved ones. Additionally, despite his issues with the world where only women get powers, he wants to become a hero. The possibility of achieving the goal was what convinced Yuuki to join the Anti-Demon Corps 7th Unit as a caretaker.
Meanwhile, Issei Hyoudou from High School DxD is quite the opposite. He is a selfish, petty, and perverted person who dreams of experiencing a harem. Not only that, he is also quite proud of his notoriety as a pervert.
As for the ecchi moments in the series, both anime handle them quite differently. In Mato Seihei no Slave, the series' female lead, Kyouka Uzen, is presented with a special power that allows her to make anyone her slave, giving them special fighting powers.
However, there is one major drawback to her ability. After she uses the enslaved person, Kyouka's body automatically moves to fulfill the enslaved person's deepest desire as a reward. When she previously enslaved Shuukis, she only needed to feed them meat.
Whenever she uses Yuuki as an enslaved person, her body automatically moves to give him sensual rewards, ranging from kisses to other acts. This ability is where the series draws in its primary source of ecchi content.
Meanwhile, High School DxD did not initially have any foundation for ecchi content in its plot. However, the series was later shaped in such a way that certain ecchi moments led Issei to gain some power-ups. But, as per the series, Issei's strength only increased due to his increased motivation.
Thus, as evident, the two series use different methods to incorporate the genre into the storyline. While one could argue that Mato Seihei no Slave's method makes much more sense, personal preference amongst the audience might propel one to choose one over the other. Hence, there is no real way to choose one over the other. That said, Chained Soldier could be called the next High School DxD.
Stay tuned for more news and updates as 2024 progresses.