Yoshihiro Togashi's Hunter X Hunter manga is soon set to resume serialization after Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga ends, so fans may have several doubts about the series. This is because the manga has gone on extended hiatuses on several occasions, leaving fans confused over what they can expect next from the series.
Nevertheless, there's one thing that fans most definitely remember, which is that the manga had been indulged in the story arc surrounding the Dark Continent. So, is the Dark Continent Arc over, or does the story arc still have a long way to go?
While the Dark Continent Expedition arc was over years ago, what fans address as the Dark Continent Arc is still far from over.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Hunter X Hunter manga.
Is Hunter X Hunter's Dark Continent Arc over?
No, the Dark Continent Arc from Hunter X Hunter manga isn't over. In fact, it could take quite some while before the manga finishes the current story arc.
According to the Togashi Yoshihiro -Puzzle- exhibition, there are currently seven official story arcs in Hunter X Hunter. However, the fanbase had separated certain story arcs into separate arcs, causing widespread confusion that there are nine arcs right now in the manga series. The two arcs that have been separated into different arcs were The Zoldyck Family Arc and Dark Continent Arc.
While the separation of the Zoldyck Family Arc is a topic of discussion for some other time, evidently, the Dark Continent Arc has been divided into two individual story arcs up until now, namely, the Dark Continent Expedition Arc and Succession Contest Arc.
If one were to be doubtful about whether the Dark Continent Expedition Arc is over or not, the story arc would have been finished over eight years ago. However, if one were doubtful about the original Dark Continent Arc, it could take years before the story arc finishes. This is because Beyond Netero's expedition to the Dark Continent on the Black Whale 1 has yet to reach its destination. Hence, the characters in the series haven't reached the Dark Continent, let alone began exploring it.
The Dark Continent Expedition Arc basically focused on the world's reaction to the Kakin Empire's decision to explore the Dark Continent. The V5 had signed a treaty against such exploration due to the possibility of a calamity brought to the general world. However, the Kakin Empire had never signed it. Hence, they were set to explore it no matter what the V5 was set to do.
Keeping that in mind, the V5 invited the Kakin Empire as its sixth member country and joined them in the expedition. This expedition saw Hunters and citizens from around the world travel on the Black Whale 1 to the Dark Continent.
As for the Succession Contest Arc, the arc focuses on a contest held by the Kakin king to decide his successor. The Kakin King pits his princes against each other in a succession contest where the contenders kill each other to become the last surviving successor to the kingdom. This contest is held within the Black Whale 1, which is why it is part of the Dark Continent Arc.
Thus, with the return of the Hunter X Hunter manga, fans can expect the series to resume the Succession Contest, albeit there has been some plot progression surrounding Hisoka Morow and the Phantom Troupe as well, suggesting an alternate storyline for the manga to explore.
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