As soon as Attack on Titan ended with one final special on November 4, 2023, anime fans worldwide began debating its conclusion. One of the more interesting things that fans had to say about Eren's ending in the anime was that it seemed like a "cheap copy" of Lelouch vi Britannia's ending in Code Geass.
This is definitely one of the more interesting takes that people have brought up on social media. Eren and Lelouch shared a similar fate in their respective anime, dying for the greater good of the world and their own people. But is Eren's ending in Attack on Titan actually just a cheap copy of Lelouch from Code Geass?
Comparing Eren Yeager's ending in Attack on Titan to Lelouch vi Britannia in Code Geass
Although some may argue that the endings for Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan and Lelouch vi Britannia in Code Geass share some similarities, they are fundamentally different in their execution and implications.
Eren's ending in Attack on Titan involved a complex narrative where he orchestrated a plan to end the cycle of hatred between Marleyans and the Eldians by destroying an estimated 80 percent of the world's entire population. He carried out the Rumbling to achieve his plan, where he ultimately presented himself as humanity's enemy and met his eventual end at the hands of Mikasa.
His overall objective was to have his friends from Eldia become the heroes who saved the world from extinction. Although his actions were controversial and decisive, his ultimate goal was to protect his loved ones and ensure freedom for his people.
On the other hand, at the end of Code Geass, Lelouch orchestrates his death as a part of his grand plan to unite the world against him and bring peace. He takes on the mantle of a dictatorial ruler. He becomes a symbol of tyranny, all while working with his friend Suzaku towards a larger goal of creating a world where people can live freely without discrimination.
While both these characters sacrificed themselves for the greater good and to bring peace to their respective worlds, their ways of achieving it and their intentions differ significantly.
Although both required sacrificing themselves, Eren's plan involved destroying almost all humanity. In contrast, Lelouch's plan involved manipulating the world's perception and becoming a catalyst necessary for change. Therefore, Eren's ending is in no way a "cheap copy" of Lelouch's ending.
Despite having similar end goals and fate, the character endings for Eren Yeager and Lelouch vi Britannia differ significantly. Their respective plans and endings can vary subjectively since it's obvious that fans can have mixed emotions for either of the two. At the end of the day, the majority of the respective fandoms believe that their titular characters met their end in a satisfying way.
Final thoughts
There are definitely a lot of parallels between Attack on Titan and Code Geass in terms of self-sacrifice and seeking peace by uniting the world against a common enemy. While there might also be debates about whose plan was better, in the end, both characters accepted their fate and achieved their plan at the cost of their own life.
It can be thereby concluded that the endings for both characters differ significantly from each other. At the very least, both Eren and Lelouch's endings serve as some of the most thought-provoking character conclusions in the world of anime.