Following the premiere of the new Horimiya anime series earlier this week, fans of both the anime and manga forms of the series have found their interest in it renewed greatly. Anime-only fans are excited to see storylines that were cut from the original 2021 anime series, while manga fans can’t wait to revisit some of the series’ best offerings.
However, this latest and wholly unexpected (prior to its initial announcement, of course) small-screen return for the series has created some confusion among fans. They are now asking the question "Is Horimiya finished?" for both the anime and manga series, with many under the impression that the new anime might be adapting new material.
Thankfully, there is a clear answer as to the status of both the original Horimiya manga series and what’s in store for the television anime adaptation following the new continuation. While it may not be the answer many were looking for or hoping for, it’s nevertheless a succinct and simple one that will clarify the series’ overall status.
New season has fans excited, but also nervously asking whether Horimiya is coming to an end following season’s conclusion
While the anime series may be continuing with its second season, entitled The Missing Pieces, the mainline manga series is indeed over in all of its forms. Both of the series’ original forms by author and illustrator Hiroki Adachi have been completed for at least two years, generally speaking. The manga version illustrated by Daisuke Hagiwara has also been concluded for roughly the same time.
On the anime front, it’s currently unclear if the production team will have the source material, let alone the desire, to continue on with a third season once The Missing Pieces concludes. While the anime season was pitched as adapting stories from the manga that the original season skipped over, it’s unclear if this will result in a full and complete adaptation of the source material or not.
Thankfully, fans will likely be able to better receive answers come the end of The Missing Pieces, which should indicate how much, if any, source material is left to adapt. From here, fans can make educated guesses on whether or not the anime series will continue, which will likely be decided by comparing what’s left to how much each season has adapted.
Likewise, fans won’t have a clear answer on whether or not the Horimiya anime is finished for at least a few months. Thankfully, by the end of the season, there should be a fairly clear answer to the anime series' status. As for the manga, however, it’s clear that the mainline series has come to an end.
However, as with any manga series, the possibility of a spinoff focusing on fan-favorite supporting characters from the mainline series could always be in play. While it may not be part of the mainline series, such a spinoff could be considered a continuation of the Horimiya manga series overall.
Unfortunately, there is no such spinoff series currently being serialized, nor are there any news or rumors about one eventually coming for Adachi’s original series. Consequently, it seems that the final answer to the series’ status is that the manga is concluded, while the anime could come to an end following the end of the current season.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.