One of the most popular television anime adaptations of the Spring 2023 season thus far has been Hell’s Paradise - Jigokuraku. Originally written and illustrated by Yuji Kaku, the series was one of the most highly-anticipated adaptations heading into the season, and it has certainly delivered so far.
In fact, the only criticism fans have currently is that waiting one week for each new episode is too long a time to ask for such an exciting series. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in many researching the Jigokuraku original manga series, such as where to read it and where it’s at storywise. However, fans are getting some shocking answers regarding the status of the series.
Hell’s Paradise - Jigokuraku manga series concluded long before the anime adaptation first aired
Unfortunately, for fans who viewed the series as having One Piece-like potential, the mainline Hell’s Paradise manga series has already published its last chapter. The series’ original serialization run ended in January 2021, just about three years after publishing its first chapter in regular serialization.
One silver lining to this fact is that this means the entirety of the mainline series is available for fans to buy and read via major manga and book retailers. Fans can then continue watching the television anime adaptation of the series and compare and contrast the source material to the said adaptation.
Fortunately, there are a few spinoffs and one-shots which fans can read as a means of continuing the story. For example, a special one-shot, titled Forest of Misfortune, was recently released on the Shonen Jump+ app on April 8, 2023. This is where the series was originally published as a part of Shueisha’s weekly lineup.
There’s also a comedy spinoff manga of the series, which is titled Jigokuraku ~Saikyo no Nukenin Gaman no Gabimaru~. The series is a chibi-fied reimagining of the main series, leaning heavily into comic relief aspects that the original series didn’t emphasize. Running for 21 total chapters across a six-month span, this Hell’s Paradise manga spinoff is fairly popular among fans of the original series.
Unfortunately, this constitutes all available media to consume for the series. While the anime’s success may inspire more spinoff series or one-shots in the future, there are none beyond what’s mentioned above currently. At the very least, fans have a sizable amount of Hell's Paradise manga material to read should they desire to switch to the series.
The original Jigokuraku manga series follows protagonist Gabimaru the Hollow, an excellent shinobi with a superhuman body captured during an assassination mission. His executioner, Yamada Asaemon Sagiri, gives him a chance to be absolved of his crimes by finding the elixir of life in Shinsenkyo, a legendary realm recently discovered in the anime. The pair set off to find the elixir and earn Gabimaru his freedom.
Be sure to keep up with all Hell’s Paradise anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.