In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, a captivating series, the ongoing epic battle between Gojo Satoru and Sukuna has taken center stage. Gojo, the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer and a teacher at the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, is renowned for his unmatched prowess as a jujutsu sorcerer.
With his Limitless Cursed Technique and the Six Eyes, he becomes an almost unbeatable force. On the other hand, Sukuna stands as the King of Curses—a legendary demon embodying immense power and serving as a major antagonist throughout the story.
The ongoing clash between these formidable characters mesmerizes audiences with its display of raw strength and strategic brilliance.
However, a new challenger has emerged in the story, presenting a potential rival to Gojo's immense power. This formidable opponent is known as the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga, who makes his debut in chapter 118 of the manga.
As a vengeful cursed spirit of special grade, Mahoraga holds the title of the most potent shikigami within the Ten Shadows Technique. The introduction of this character has generated lively debates among fans regarding who would reign supreme if a battle were to unfold between the Divine General and the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer.
Analyzing the power levels: Mahoraga vs Gojo
Mahoraga possesses immense power, as evidenced by his formidable battles. His mastery of the Eight-Handled wheel technique enables him to swiftly adapt and counter any attack after experiencing it once.
This exceptional skill makes him an unparalleled adversary, capable of swiftly analyzing and neutralizing his opponent's moves.
Satoru's Limitless Cursed Technique manipulates space, allowing him to create an impenetrable defense and launch powerful attacks.
With his Six Eyes that grant him the ability to perceive the flow of cursed energy, he becomes nearly invincible. However, Mahoraga's adaptive ability could potentially overcome Gojo's Limitless Technique after experiencing it once.
In a hypothetical battle between Mahoraga and Gojo, the outcome would primarily hinge on strategy rather than raw power. Satoru's Limitless Technique and Six Eyes afford him a significant advantage, but Mahoraga's remarkable ability to adapt and counter any technique could potentially circumvent the former's defenses.
Nonetheless, it would be unwise to underestimate Gojo's strategic prowess and vast battlefield experience.
Recap of chapter 118 and 119: Mahoraga vs Sukuna
In Chapter 118 of Jujutsu Kaisen, a fierce battle unfolds between Megumi Fushiguro and his resurrected father, Toji Fushiguro. During the intense showdown, Haruto Shigemo joins the fray by launching a surprise attack on Megumi from behind, inflicting severe injuries upon him.
In a desperate bid to turn the tide against Toji and Haruto, Megumi unleashes the incredible power of the Ten Shadows Technique, summoning a formidable entity known as Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga. However, much to Megumi's dismay, Mahoraga's might prove too overwhelming and it turns against him.
At this critical moment, Sukuna, after defeating Jogo, confidently moves forward to confront Mahoraga and heals Megumi for his future plans. Sukuna engages in an epic clash with Mahoraga.
The battle between Mahoraga and Sukuna in Jujutsu Kaisen stands out as one of the most intense and meticulously executed fights within the series.
Mahoraga, a special grade cursed spirit, possesses unmatched power as the strongest shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique. Its incredible adaptability allows it to swiftly learn and counter its opponent's techniques.
On the other hand, Sukuna, a formidable cursed spirit and reigning king of curses, exhibits immense strength alongside a vast array of abilities.
The battle commences as Mahoraga unleashes a devastating attack, throwing Sukuna through numerous buildings. Recovering swiftly, Sukuna counterstrikes with his Dismantle technique - capable of severing cursed energy. Though initially successful, Mahoraga soon adapts, leading to an intense exchange of blows between the two adversaries.
Realizing that defeating Mahoraga requires a different strategy, Sukuna harnesses his Malevolent Shrine technique. A colossal cursed energy barrier materializes, trapping Mahoraga within its confines.
Despite managing to break free from the barrier's grasp, Mahoraga is met with an opportune moment for Sukuna who launches a scorching fire arrow, incinerating the shikigami.
This gripping chapter prominently showcases the immense power of Mahoraga as it valiantly holds its own against none other than Sukuna himself.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, it is challenging to determine definitively whether Mahoraga surpasses Gojo in terms of strength. Both characters possess unique abilities that render them formidable adversaries.
Nevertheless, Gojo's arsenal consisting of the Limitless Technique, Six Eyes, and strategic acumen potentially provide him with an advantage during a confrontation against Mahoraga.
The ultimate outcome would inevitably hinge upon the battle circumstances and the tactical approaches employed by each combatant.