My Happy Marriage is a Japanese light novel series written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka. This series was first published online on the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō before being acquired by Fujimi Shobo. Following that, it was released under the Fujimi L Bunko imprint.
A manga adaptation of the light novel illustrated by Rito Kohsaka was serialized in Square Enix's Gangan Online. Following this, a live-action film adaptation of the series premiered in March 2023, with the anime adaptation premiering in July of this year.
Since the ongoing My Happy Marriage anime has gained much success and hype among fans, it has sparked a lot of curiosity among fans about the ongoing status of the series' light novel and manga. As such, this article will discuss the same.
While the current status of My Happy Marriage manga remains undetermined, the next volume of the light novel will come out next year
Like the anime, My Happy Marriage manga and light novel are both currently ongoing. The manga adaptation of the light novel, which was illustrated by Rito Kohsaka, began serialization online on December 20, 2018, in Square Enix's Gangan Online service. So far, four volumes of the manga have been released.
The fourth volume was released on November 11, 2022, and since then, no news about the release date of the fifth volume has come out. Thus, fans will have to sit tight and wait for the release of the fifth volume of the manga series.
My Happy Marriage light novels
As mentioned earlier, My Happy Marriage light novels, which are written by Akumi Agitogi and illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka, began publishing under the Fujimi L Bunko imprint on January 15, 2019. Seven volumes of the series have been released as of July 14, 2023, with volume 8 set to be released in Japan on Friday, March 15, 2024.
The upcoming volume will be bundled alongside an original anime, titled Shiawase no Katachi. Fans of the series can pre-order this special bundle from their nearest bookstores, with the deadline for pre-ordering being Monday, December 11, 2023.
Kadokawa has revealed that some changes might be made to the special bundle or the release date of the new volume cosidering it is over half a year away. Thus, for now, fans will have to wait for the release of volume 8.
My Happy Marriage plot
In an alternate version of the 19th-century Meiji Restoration era, Miyo Saimori is born without any supernatural talent in a family where everyone is bestowed with such powers. This leads to Miyo being given all the physical work by her abusive stepmother and stepsister and being treated harshly.
When she becomes eligible for marriage, she is matched with commander Kiyoka Kudou, a man known for his cruel and cold nature. However, against all odds, Miyo and Kiyoka eventually open their hearts to each other and fall deeply in love.
However, their love story isn't breezy as several obstacles come their way. Yet, they remain determined to commit to each other, beating every obstacle that stands in the way of them living together happily ever after.