Kohei Horikoshi's superhero manga series My Hero Academia has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2014. However, there have been speculations floating around that the series might come to an end in 2023, leaving viewers who only watch the anime adaptation and have not kept up with the recent developments questioning: Is My Hero Academia over?
The answer is no. The series is still very much ongoing, with its current arc being the Final War Arc. Anime-fans of the series can look forward to an exciting conclusion to the story that they have been following for years.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
Is My Hero Academia ending soon due to mangaka Horikoshi’s health?
Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia has been a popular manga series for several years. However, Horikoshi has been hinting for a couple of years now that the series will be ending soon. The journey to reaching the ending of the manga has been much longer than he expected, and there are indications that it may end in 2023 or 2024, when it will be celebrating its tenth year.
However, Horikoshi has faced health issues in recent years, which sparked fear among fans about the future of the series. Despite these challenges, he has stayed dedicated to My Hero Academia and continued to work tirelessly. He has also assured fans that he will not end the series as early as initially thought.
The mangaka has made it clear that has a carefully crafted ending in mind and intends to see it through to completion. As a result, not only are anime-only fans and individuals who are little out of touch with the series confused, but so are readers who are unsure when the series will end.
The Final War arc, which currently ongoing in the manga, is shaping up to be one of the best arcs yet, with Yuga Aoyama and Izuku Midoriya manipulating All for One into outing himself and launching an attack on him. Many Heroes have already been defeated in the all-out war against All For One, and All Might has now appeared in a new costume to face the Villain.
Dabi, on the other hand, has been confronted by his family members, first by Endeavor, then by Rei, and now, according to chapter 388 spoilers, by his siblings Natsuo and Fuyumi. Interestingly, Shoto has not yet arrived and has been absent from the vision of an alternate reality where the Todoroki family was happy.
Once more, the answer to the question "Is My Hero Academia over?" is no, but it is still unknown exactly when the series will come to an end. The next issue of My Hero Academia, chapter 388, will be released on May 15, 2023. Fans can read the issue via Shueisha's free MANGAPlus service, the official website of Viz Media, or Shueisha's premium Shonen Jump+ app.