Naruto, one of the most famous anime shows, completed 20 years on October 3, 2022. To celebrate, author Masashi Kishimoto sensei alongside Studio Pierrot reanimated some of the show's most iconic moments, from the original series to Shippuden. This has also posed the question: Is Naruto getting reanimated anytime soon?
A 10-minute video was uploaded to Studio Pierrot's official YouTube channel, which was shared by fans all over the world. Renowned YouTuber and internet celebrity, Mr.Beast also commented on the video, saying he would be willing to fund an entire series with similar quality of animation.
Aside from the video, however, the studio staff released three unique illustrations, which portray several arcs. Kishimoto sensei also paid tribute by drawing multiple versions of his main character in a special illustration. The majority of the fanbase also wonders if Studio Pierrot will revise the famous anime series in the future.
'Road to Naruto' celebrates 20 years of the famous anime with reanimated scenes
The most recent 20th-anniversary clip from Studio Pierrot showcases iconic moments in the entire world of Naruto from 2002 to 2017. Most scenes from the first series have been animated from scratch, giving the audience a fresh angle on classic arcs such as the Chunin exam, the Zabuza arc, and the final fight.
The video starts with both the main characters fighting in the first series, and ends with both of them lying with their arms severed at the end of Shippuden. Typically, fans showered the studio with praise, claiming how each scene can be seen in a new light.
Pierrot further pinned the following statement in the comment section:
"We hope you enjoy the 20th anniversary PV of the “NARUTO” anime! More contents will be distributed on this studio Pierrot’s official YouTube channel!"
Throughout the scenes, Pierrot also added some of the most memorable openings from the show, including Blue Bird, Haruka Kanata, Silhouette, and more. Long-time fans have had an immense hit of nostalgia and a breath of fresh air at the same time.
However, in hindsight, this could also mean Studio Pierrot might be remaking the show in the future. While the chances are slim, they aren't completely zero.
The three images by Studio Pierrot include various bits and pieces from the original series and Shippuden. The first image showcases every major arc from the first series, including the Zabuza and Chunin exams.
The second image sheds light on Shippuden, which showcases Akatsuki and the beginning of the second series. The third and final image consists of characters and elements from the Fourth Shinobi Great War.
What are the chances of reanimation in the future?
Naruto is a hugely popular show, loved by almost its entire fanbase. It has clocked the most-watched lists on multiple streaming platforms, while still bringing revenue in millions through merchandise, video games, and more.
Multiple other anime, on the other hand, such as Shaman King, Banana Fruit, and even Dragon Ball Z, have been reanimated to give their audience a completely different feel to the already introduced scenarios. Hence, despite not being announced, Naruto could very well get a full reanimation in the future.