Record of Ragnarok manga is a popular series that pits historical and mythical figures against gods in a tournament to decide the fate of humanity. The manga began serialization in Monthly Comic Zenon magazine in November 2017 and has been collected into 13 tankobon volumes as of October 2021. It has also been adapted into an anime series by Graphinica that premiered on Netflix in June 2021.
The manga has a loyal fanbase that eagerly awaits the release of each new chapter and dedicatedly speculates on the outcome of the battles. Some of the fan-favorite characters include Lu Bu, Adam, Sasaki Kojiro, Jack the Ripper, Raiden Tameemon, and Qin Shi Huang. The manga also features stunning artwork by Ajichika and a creative blend of history, mythology, and fantasy by writers Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui.
However, more recently, fans have been wondering if the Record of Ragnarok manga is over. The answer, fortunately, is no.
Record of Ragnarok manga status update
Fans of the manga will be delighted to learn that it is still ongoing and has not reached its conclusion. The latest segment, chapter 77, was released on April 27, 2023. Moreover, the manga is currently in the eighth round of the tournament, which features Beelzebub versus Nikola Tesla. There are five more rounds left before the final verdict is reached.
The Record of Ragnarok manga follows the events of Ragnarok, a one-on-one showdown between the gods and mankind that was proposed by the Valkyries, the maidens who serve the gods, to give humanity a chance to survive. The first side to reach seven victories will determine whether humanity will live or die.
The gods and humans are allowed to choose any weapon they desire, and the Valkyries can transform into divine weapons for the humans. The Record of Ragnarok manga has so far covered eight rounds of the tournament, with four wins for each side, as shown below, with gods on the left and humans on the right:
Round 1: Thor (Winner) vs. Lu Bu
Round 2: Zeus (Winner) vs. Adam
Round 3: Poseidon vs. Kojiro Sasaki (Winner)
Round 4: Heracles vs. Jack the Ripper (Winner)
Round 5: Shiva (Winner) vs. Raiden Tameemon
Round 6: Zerofuku vs. Buddha (Winner)
Round 7: Hades vs. Qin Shi Huang (Winner)
Round 8: Beelzebub (Winner) vs. Nikola Tesla
The anime adaptation of Record of Ragnarok manga has received mixed reviews from fans and critics. Some praised the voice acting, music, and faithful adaptation of the manga, while others criticized the animation quality, pacing and censorship. The anime covers the first five matches of the tournament, while the manga is currently entering the ninth match.
The manga has more details, gore, and fan service than the anime. In fact, the anime also skipped some scenes and dialogues from the manga that added more depth and humor to the characters and story. A second season of the anime has been released, which will adapt the next four matches of the manga.
The plot of Record of Ragnarok manga
Record of Ragnarok manga depicts a tournament between 13 gods and 13 humans to decide the fate of humanity. The gods have grown tired and bored of humanity's sins and crimes, and have decided to end their existence.
However, the Valkyries, the maidens who serve the gods, intervene and propose a challenge that if humanity can defeat the gods in a series of one-on-one fights, they will be spared from annihilation. The gods agree to this challenge, confident in their superiority and curious about the outcome.
The Valkyries then select 13 humans from different eras and regions of history, who are called the Einherjar. These humans are notable figures who have achieved great feats or fame in their lives, such as warriors, heroes, kings, inventors, and killers. The Valkyries also offer to become their weapons, by undergoing a process called Volund, which transforms them into divine tools that can harm the gods. However, this comes with a risk -- if the human dies in battle, the Valkyrie will also die with them.
The rules of the tournament are simple -- each fight is a one-on-one duel that lasts until one side dies or surrenders. There are no time limits or restrictions on weapons or abilities. The first side to reach seven victories will determine the fate of humanity -- if the gods win, humanity will be wiped out, and if humanity wins, they will be spared for another 1000 years.