One Piece Chapter 1034 scanlations released yesterday, December 3, 2021, and fans saw Sanji get a long awaited powerup. Now able to move so fast he becomes invisible and can generate flames seemingly hotter than the sun’s surface, there aren't many who will be able to beat Sanji.
As a result, One Piece fans have been asking if Sanji is stronger than Zoro. While it is a necessary and rather good question to ask, the answer is quite clear.
Even with this powerup, Sanji still isn’t quite on Zoro’s level. The latter has Conqueror’s Haki and spends most of his free time training his body to be the strongest. As a result, the answer is an unfortunate no. That being said, here are ten other One Piece characters who Sanji could secure an impressive victory over.
10 One Piece characters Sanji could easily beat with his new powerup
1) Queen

While this fight does seem to be wrapping up for a Sanji victory, we’re not quite there yet. However, we can predict that Sanji will end up beating Queen thanks to Sanji’s most recent powerup. Sanji vs. Queen has been one of the best One Piece fights in recent memory and will surely end in a Sanji victory.
2) Jack

Jack ended up being defeated in the early Onigashima raid by Dogstorm and Master Cat Viper in their Sulong forms. While the Sulong form is one of the most powerful One Piece transformations yet, Sanji would undoubtedly be able to match their power and successfully defeat Jack. Sanji is one of the Future Pirate King’s right hand men after all.
3) Cracker

To further that point, matching up Big Mom’s third strongest crewmate against Luffy’s second would undoubtedly result in Sanji’s victory. While Cracker’s Devil Fruit offers one of the best defenses in One Piece, Sanji’s new powerup will make quick work of Cracker’s soldiers. Combining Armament Haki with super speed and his exoskeleton, Cracker wouldn’t stand a chance against Sanji.
4) Page One

When Sanji fought Page One as Soba Mask, the two seemed fairly evenly matched. Sanji in fact didn’t even finish the fight, but rather chose to flee when the opportunity arose. Sanji’s abandonment of the Raid Suit as seen in One Piece slightly prior to his acquiring of this powerup would imply this powerup is stronger than the Raid Suit. Hence, Page One likely wouldn’t stand a chance against the new Sanji.
5) Caesar Clown

Caesar Clown is one of the less battle-ready antagonists One Piece offers throughout its thousand chapter run. Caesar Clown makes for a good antagonist in a myriad of other ways; he shows Luffy and friends the darkside of the New World and generally speaking embodies the more sadistic side of piracy. Boasting minimal combat skills, Sanji would make quick work of Caesar Clown as an Armament Haki user.
6) Diamante

Similarly to Cracker in the Big Mom Pirates, Diamante is the weakest of the top Donquixote Family officers. Despite being one of the more exceptional fighters and Devil Fruit owners in One Piece, Diamante wouldn’t stand a chance against Sanji with his new powerup. Being defeated by a one legged Kyros whose one leg was a mismatch for Diamante’s Devil Fruit, Sanji would easily defeat Diamante if the two ever fought.
7) Smoker
Post-timeskip One Piece hasn’t given fans much of a sense of where Smoker stands in the strength hierarchy. Readers know he’s weaker than Doflamingo as he lost to Doflamingo, and readers can assume his teaming up with Straw Hat and Law was due to him being weaker than Caesar Clown.
Since we’ve already established Sanji could wipe the floor with Caesar Clown, it’s safe to assume (given current Smoker information) that Sanji would also defeat Smoker fairly easily.
8) Burgess
James Burgess is another right hand crewmate of a Yonko crew, specifically Blackbeard’s. The Blackbeard Pirates are built up as one of the strongest pirate crews in One Piece, having many Impel Down level 6 prisoners in the crew. Yet like Cracker and Diamante, Burgess falls short as a right hand man to Sanji.
Sabo with a newly acquired Flame Flame Fruit was able to easily beat Burgess in Dressrosa. Sanji’s new technique would likely result in a similar outcome.
9) Killer
Killer lost easily to a non-Conqueror’s Haki Zoro as seen early on in the One Piece Wano arc. Before Conqueror’s Haki, it’s fair to assume this current Sanji could’ve beaten Zoro at that time. As a result, Sanji would undoubtedly wipe the floor with Killer since Killer barely did any real, lasting damage to Zoro.
10) Scratchmen Apoo

Finally, Scratchmen Apoo of the Worst Generation would likely lose to Sanji at this point. Sanji is so fast now, he’s invisible to the naked eye as stated by Queen in One Piece Chapter 1034. Apoo’s Devil Fruit was revealed to need a line of sight on the targeted individual. As a result, Sanji could easily defeat Apoo if Apoo never gets a line of sight on Sanji to use his Devil Fruit powers.
Note: The list is subjective and reflects the views of the writer.