Semantic Error is a popular K-Drama series starring Jang Kang and Jeon Jong Seo. Directed by Kim Soo-jung, it aired on February 16, 2022, on TVING and Netflix. The series follows the lives of two college colleagues who are rivals and enemies at first due to their differences in opinion, but as they work together, they begin to develop feelings for each other and realize that they are a perfect match.
With its unique and moving story, Semantic Error has become a fan-favorite and is widely considered a classic in the romance and LGBTQ+ genres. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the original manhwa that inspired the series, including the plot, characters, and key elements.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for the series and character fates mentioned therein. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Semantic Error is inspired by a manhwa written by J. Soori and illustrated by Angy Kim
Semantic Error is an adaptation of a manhwa of the same name, written by J. Soori and illustrated by Angy Kim. In 2018, Ridibooks created and distributed an ebook series of the webtoon on their website. Manta has made the series available digitally in English. There are 73 chapters in the manhwa, which are still published weekly.
The manhwa has a four-episode anime adaptation, with each episode lasting around 15 minutes. A live-action drama of the same name with eight episodes that last around 23 minutes each debuted on February 16, 2022.
The plot of Semantic Error
Semantic Error is a university romance manhwa that follows the story of two students, Jae Young, a computer engineering student, and Sang Woo, an English literature student, who initially hated each other due to their different fields of study. However, as they are forced to work together, they realize that they complement each other perfectly and start to develop feelings for each other.
The manhwa explores the obstacles they must overcome to be together, including their past traumas and their families' perspectives on their relationship.
Jae Young is a computer engineering student who is seen as the perfect student by his peers and professors. He is known for his brilliant intellect and exceptional achievements. However, beneath his perfect exterior, he hides a dark past that has left him emotionally closed off and unable to express his feelings. Despite this, he falls deeply in love with Sang Woo and is willing to do anything to be with him.
Sang Woo is a Fine Arts student who is initially seen as a lazy and selfish person due to his apparent lack of ambition. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that he is actually an idealistic person who values his freedom above all else. His family background plays a major role in his decision-making and choices in life.
Sang Woo falls for Jae Young's kindness and warmth, and even though he is initially hesitant to start a relationship with him, he cannot ignore his feelings and soon realizes the depth of his love for Jae Young.
Key elements of Semantic Error
In addition to the compelling story and well-developed characters, the series also explores important themes such as the challenges of coming out and accepting oneself, the importance of communication in relationships, and the impact of cultural stigmas on love.
The work of Angy Kim is also a big part of its success, with its intricate lines and beautiful colors. The art is realistic and expressive, perfectly capturing the story's emotions and intensity.
The characters are depicted in a way that makes them instantly recognizable and relatable, and their expressions convey complex feelings without the need for words. The art style is clean, modern, and detailed, creating a perfect environment for the story to unfold.
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