Dragon Ball Super, the manga sequel to the original Dragon Ball series, has enthralled fans with its Superhero Arc. This arc, known for its gripping narrative and intense battles, recently reached chapter 100, leaving fans curious about its conclusion. Despite the success of previous arcs like Moro and Granolah, the Superhero Arc has been a focal point of excitement.
The manga, serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine since 2015, explores the post-It timeframe. While Dragon Ball Super has adapted films like "Super Hero," the series remains active, consistently introducing new storylines and keeping fans eagerly anticipating the next developments in the ever-expanding Dragon Ball universe.
Dragon Ball Super: Exploring the current status of the Superhero Arc
The Superhero Arc has indeed reached its conclusion. In chapter 100 of the manga, we witness the final showdown between the Gohan Beast, Orange Piccolo, and Cell Max, along with the Red Ribbon Army. The manga takes familiar ground from the latest film in the franchise but adds new moments and character beats to keep the readers engaged.
In this climactic battle, Gohan Beast unleashes a powerful attack, utilizing his own version of the iconic "Makankosappo," targeting the weak spot of Cell Max's head. With Cell dying early in the chapter, the aftermath mainly focuses on the fallout and the Z-Fighters celebrating their victory.
Additionally, the manga introduces Carmine, the second-in-command of the new Red Ribbon Army, mentioning a potential comeback for the criminal organization in the future.
What is the Dragon Ball Super series about?
The series continues the epic tale of the Dragon Ball universe, picking up where the defeat of Majin Buu left off. It follows Goku and his friends on a thrilling journey, facing new dangers and embarking on exciting adventures.
In this edition, the Z-Fighters face formidable foes from different universes within the multiverse. The show is packed with intense battles and character growth and delves further into the Dragon Ball world.
New transformations, like Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue, are introduced, bringing fresh excitement to the iconic series. The character roster expands with the addition of new heroes and villains, adding more layers to the story.
Dragon Ball Super's dynamic storyline unfolds through various arcs, each presenting unique challenges and adversaries. From the Battle of Gods arc to the Tournament of Power, the series combines action, humor, and heartfelt moments, captivating fans around the globe.
Final thoughts
In the latest chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga, the Superhero Arc wrapped up with chapter 100, leaving fans buzzing with excitement. They got to witness an epic showdown featuring the Gohan Beast, Orange Piccolo, Cell Max, and the formidable Red Ribbon Army. The conclusion brought an end to a thrilling chapter, showcasing intense battles and beloved characters.
As the narrative unfolds, enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the future adventures of Goku, Vegeta, and the entire Z-Fighter ensemble. The excitement reaches a fever pitch as fans speculate about the forthcoming arc, with theories swirling around the potential resurgence of the Red Ribbon Army and looming threats, such as the possible return of Frieza.
The trajectory of Dragon Ball Super promises an exciting journey ahead, marked by fresh challenges and captivating storylines.