Tite Kubo's status as a renowned mangaka in the anime and manga industry largely owes its due credit to his Bleach series. As of 2022, with over 130 million copies in circulation around the world, the anime has become the seventh best-selling series of all time in Weekly Shōnen Jump. The series concluded the first half of the series with The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc in March 2012.
Finally, after a 10-year-long hiatus, the anime returned with the Thousand-year Blood War arc, the series' final arc. Fans who anticipated Bleach’s return are immensely excited. Prior to the release of the Thousand-year Blood War arc, a film titled Burn the Witch was released in 2020, which is said to be connected with Bleach's universe.
Burn the Witch takes place in the same universe as Bleach
About Burn the Witch
Tite Kubo confirmed that Burn the Witch takes place in the same universe as Bleach. The story follows Nini Spangcole and Noel Niihashi working as Witches for Wing Bind in Reverse London, a place in the mirror dimension that ordinary people don’t know about. The sole reason behind the creation of Reverse London and Wing Bind is to protect and control Dragons.
If the situation demands, the agency is ordered to exterminate the creatures at any cost. Wing Bind serves the Western Branch of the Soul Society, which houses both Wizards and Witches who possess supernatural powers, just like the Shinigamis. The Dragons existed on the surface of London for centuries and were responsible for the loss of 72% of human lives.
These creatures are collectively referred to as Light Dragons, as they are under the control of the Wizards and Witches. Dragons can easily absorb human emotions, which is why the world could be endangered if they managed to enter the human world. By absorbing negative human emotions, these creatures can turn into Dark Dragons and could wreak havoc.
Nini and Noel, two exceptional Witches, are tasked with looking after a boy named Balgo Ywain Parks, whose strange connection with Dragons unleashes a Dark Dragon in the city.
Similarities between Burn the Witch and Bleach
There have been no references regarding the Soul Society West Branch in Bleach. However, on page 22 of the Burn the Witch one-shot chapter, Ninny mentions their counterparts in Japan (Gotei 13) simply killing all of their Dragons to contrast how the Wing Bind organization handles the Dragons in London. This shows that West Branch is aware of the East.
Unlike Shinigamis, the West Branch of Soul Society houses Wizards and Witches. Like Gotei 13 or the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, the Wing Bind comprises eight divisions: The Gallows, Inks, Pipers, Sabres, Sacreds, Anthems, Patchworks, and Billionaires. The leaders of each division are addressed as Directors.
Witches and Wizards use Magic abilities that are somewhat similar to the Kido spells. The two primary protagonists of Burn the Witch, Nini and Noel, are in the Piper division and carry a gun-like device called the Witch Kit to channel their Magical abilities. Though the Saber division didn’t showcase their abilities, they were seen carrying swords, much like Shinigamis.
To showcase the connection between Bleach and Burn the Witch, Tite Kubo illustrated a title card for the latter in which the former’s title is mentioned. Though the Thousand-Year Blood War doesn’t include characters from Burn the Witch, fans can expect to see a new series in which the Wing Binds will cross paths with the Gotei 13.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.