As the Dragon Ball Super manga has resumed with its monthly serialization, fans are re-introduced to Goten and Trunks, who for the longest duration spent their time as side characters in the franchise.
The only time they were part of the franchise's core was when the two half-Saiyans joined forces to fight Super Buu as Gotenks. Speaking of Gotenks, he is one of the most popular fusions in the franchise.
Nevertheless, he falls short of strength in comparison to some of the most formidable foes in the franchise, thus leaving fans to wonder who is the most powerful fusion in Dragon Ball. While many fans consider Vegito to be the most powerful fusion, why is that so?
Why is Vegito the most powerful fusion in Dragon Ball franchise?

As fans know, Vegito is the resulting fusion between protagonists Goku and Vegeta when they use the Potara Earrings. While fusion dance is the most popularly known method of fusion, Vegito is the resulting counterpart of a fusion using Potara Earrings.
As described by Elder Kai, fusion using Potara Earrings is way more effective and powerful than the fusion dance. Thus, it has become a fact within the Dragon Ball community that a fusion using Potara earrings multiplies the two participants' strengths while using the fusion dance combines the two participants' strengths.

When one looks back at the series, there have only been five instances where Potara Earrings were used. While two of them resulted in Kibito Kai and Elder Kai, the other three instances included Vegito twice and Fused Zamasu.
When Goku and Vegeta first used Potara Earrings, they became Vegito and overpowered Buuhan, who was Super Buu, who had absorbed Mystic Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo. Even after having absorbed such formidable fighters, Super Buu fell short of strength and speed when fighting Vegito.

Later, the earrings got featured in Dragon Ball Super when Zamasu fused with his future self during the "Future" Trunks Saga. With his overwhelming strength having Goku and Vegeta in the ropes, they agreed to fuse once more as Vegito. But this time, the duo were able to become Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Super Saiyan Blue), using which Vegito's strength multiplied immensely.
In the fight between Vegito Blue and Fused Zamasu, it was quite evident that the former was the stronger fusion. Thus, he could also be considered the most powerful fusion to exist in the Dragon Ball franchise, until a new pair of fighters possibly showcase their combined strength in the distant future.

While Goten and Trunks are the protagonists of the manga series right now, it seems outside the realm of possibility that their fusion would stand any chance against the likes of Vegito Blue or Fused Zamasu.
Both Goten and Trunks have not surpassed the Super Saiyan form, meaning that their combined peak of strength should not go past Super Saiyan 3, meaning that it might take some time before any other existing characters fuse together to surpass Vegito as the most powerful fusion.