One of the eagerly anticipated original TV anime, Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night, released its first fully animated promotional video on November 1, 2023, confirming April 2024 as its release window. Additionally, the short clip unveiled the upcoming anime's main cast and more staff details.
Under the production of Doga Kobo, Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night will follow JELEE's original plot and see a group of vibrant girls demonstrating their creative side in Shibuya. With an interesting premise and a star-studded cast and staff, the anime has caught everyone's attention.
Doga Kobo's Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night anime is set to premiere in April 2024
After teasing fans with four short live-action clips, the official website for the Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night anime unveiled its first animated trailer and highlighted that it will be released in April 2024.
Notably, the 1-minute, 32-second-long trailer presented fans with a surreal view of a night-time Shibuya embedded with mystery and awe. The trailer also featured several female characters, all aspiring to showcase their creative sides in the brightly lit Shibuya.
Each character seen in the trailer exuded an air of mystery around them, further heightening the thrilling aspect of the anime. Overall, the promotional video captured the main vibe of the anime and managed to intrigue the fans.
Apart from the release window, the official trailer unveiled the names of the main cast and new staff members. For instance, Miku Ito, the renowned voice actor for Miku Nakano from The Quintessential Quintuplets, will lend her voice to Mahiru Kozuki, while Rie Takahashi (Emilia from Re:Zero) will play the role of Kano Yamanouchi.
Additionally, Miyu Tomita, who gained fame as Riko from Made in Abyss, will voice Kiwi Watase, while Miyuri Shimabukuro will perform as Mei 'Kim Anouk' Takanashi. As for the new staff members, Junichiro Taniguchi, Akiko Toyoda, and Asuka Suzuki will work as chief animation directors.
Eriko Kimura will perform his duties as the sound director, while Masaru Yokoyama will handle the music. The main animators for the series are Shinnosuke Ota, Saurabh Singh, and Kazuma Nakao.
Produced by the renowned animation studio Doga Kobo (famous for Oshi no Ko), The Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night anime will premiere in April 2024 on Tokyo MX, Kansai TV, and BS11 channels in Japan.
Based on the original story by JELEE and characters designed by Popman 3580, the eponymous title will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doga Kobo Studios. Interestingly, Ryohei Takeshita is directing the series at the esteemed studio, while Yuki Yaku is writing the scripts for the series.
Notably, the staff for Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night also announced a manga adaptation by Niko Fuji, which will begin on Kodansha's Magazine Pocket app in April 2024. Overall, fans can expect fascinating anime next year.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.