JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, the sixth part of Hirohiko Araki's legendary manga series, concluded with an ending that amazed and puzzled fans. Originally serialized from December 1999 to April 2003, Stone Ocean has captivated readers with its eccentric characters, thrilling battles, and intricate plot twists.
The recently adapted anime series, produced by David Production and released on December 1, 2021, has further propelled the popularity of this iconic story. But within the fanfare and cheer, what remains a topic of interest is the enigmatic ending of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean and what does it mean for the narrative as it moves towards the seventh installment in the franchise.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean anime.
The ending of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean anime is crazy but exciting
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean took fans on a wild ride of action and adventure, introducing them to a new cast of characters, villains, and powers. However, the final battle between Jolyne Cujoh and the stand user Enrico Pucci, who sought to reset the universe in his own image, left many viewers with more questions than answers.
The ending of Stone Ocean unravels a series of events that leave viewers astonished. Enrico Pucci, the main antagonist, is determined to achieve Heaven, a world where fate is predetermined. To accomplish this, he plans to gather the Stand abilities of all the members of the Joestar bloodline. Pucci's ultimate weapon, the Stand Made in Heaven, accelerates time, leading to the birth of a new universe.
Jolyne Cujoh stands against Pucci in an intense battle to prevent his plans from coming to fruition. During their confrontation, Jolyne makes a sacrificial move to obtain Stone Free Requiem, a new form of her Stand. With this newfound power, she temporarily disrupts Pucci's plans by unraveling fate's strings.
In the climax, Pucci gains complete control over time and space, creating a new universe that he desired. However, Emporio survives due to his Stand's unique ability. He confronts Pucci and manages to defeat him by utilizing Weather Report's Stand ability. As a result, the new universe takes shape differently from Pucci's intentions, giving rise to a reality with significant deviations.
The altered universe retains some similarities to the original JoJo universe but with notable differences. Characters who perished in the previous timeline, including Jolyne, are alive once again as diferent characters. Thus, the events of Stone Ocean did not unfold in the same manner, indicating a fresh path for the story to explore.
What's next for the Jojo anime series?
With the conclusion of Stone Ocean, fans eagerly anticipate the next installment in the JoJo series. The seventh part, titled JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run, takes the franchise in a bold new direction. Set in an altered universe, the plot introduces a horse race across America as its central premise.
Steel Ball Run features a new cast of characters, including Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli, as they compete in the race while facing off against powerful adversaries. The story explores themes of ambition, destiny, and new Stand powers while maintaining the signature style and quirkiness of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
For fans eagerly awaiting the animated adaptation of Steel Ball Run, patience is key. Given the immense popularity of both the JoJo series and the Steel Ball Run story arc, it is likely that season 6 will be adapted into an anime. However, it won't be available on platforms like Netflix until later in 2024 at the earliest.