JoJoLands chapter 15 was officially released on Thursday, May 16, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of Jodio Joestar and co’s plan to steal Howler’s land right out from under them. However, the plan didn’t go quite as expected, with Usagi seemingly suffering a medical emergency without warning in the final moments of the previous issue.
Likewise, JoJoLands chapter 15 opened up with a focus on Usagi and his current status, as well as his allies trying to figure out what happened to him. By the end of the issue, fans see both a new enemy Stand introduced, as well as a tease that going after Howler will lead to much bigger things than the group initially planned.
JoJoLands chapter 15 confirms Charmingman’s Stand name as “Bigmouth Strikes Again”
Brief chapter recap

JoJoLands chapter 15 began with Charmingman and Dragona Joestar trying to revive Usagi Aloha’oe, who suddenly began experiencing a medical emergency without warning. Likewise, Charmingman suggested abandoning Usagi here, asserting that he’s a drug addict given his symptoms are directly related to that of a drug overdose.
Dragona was clearly hesitant of this as Paco Lovelantes and Jodio Joestar quickly approach in the getaway car. Usagi, however, was able to ask Dragona to ask the Matte Kudasai, his Stand, to transform into a straw.
Dragona eventually did this, prompting Usagi to pull a box cutter out of his bag, cut a hole in his chest, and stick the straw in it. This successfully opened his airway enough that he could breathe, prompting Dragona and Charmingman to carry him into the car.
JoJoLands chapter 15 then saw Dragona and Charmingman explain what happened, while the issue dove through the straw in Usagi’s chest into his body.
Here, a miniature Stand was seen attacking him from the inside, with Usagi realizing this and communicating it to the others. Usagi then demanded everyone begin driving, but the others stayed still, clearly trying to further assess the situation.

Usagi asserted that if nothing was done, he’d die in a way which looked like a medical emergency. No one responded, prompting Usagi to scream once again. However, Charmingman further asserted that he’s on drugs, arguing that his symptoms showed up because of stress and that he’s obviously lying to stay on the team.
JoJoLands chapter 15 saw the others look to Charmingman, who furthered that all junkies are liars. Usagi argued he wasn’t on drugs, saying he experimented in the past, but this is due to an attack and not an overdose. Jodio said that they should consider all possibilities, questioning when Usagi could’ve been attacked if there was an enemy Stand at play.
Dragona and Charmingman then discussed what could’ve started the attack, unable to figure it out since nothing suspicious happened and no one suspicious was seen.
At that moment, an ambulance arrived, with everyone thinking it’s for Usagi. However, it passed them and went to the land deed building, where the woman who helped Usago, Dragona and Charmingman is seen wheeled out on a stretcher with similar symptoms to Usagi.
JoJoLands chapter 15 saw Usagi recognize that she has developed further than he has with respect to her symptoms, freaking out about what’s coming next for him.
Jodio, meanwhile, claimed that it’s obvious that there was indeed an enemy now, suspecting it to be an automatic pursuit Stand. This would also explain why the woman who helped them was attacked also despite not being any sort of threat or target herself (at least as far as readers currently know).
The group deduced and agreed that the remote operated Stand attacks like a disease in order to remain discreet, allowing the user to simply come back and check if the target died or not.
Charmingman then told Usagi to face him, prompting Usagi to yell at him for his earlier words. However, Charmingman said he believes and respects Usagi now, especially after he stabilized his own breathing by himself without asking for unnecessary help from anyone else.
JoJoLands chapter 15 saw Charmingman say he likes folks that take things on by themselves, beginning to use his Stand to send his eyeball down the straw and into Usagi’s body.
Dragona commented on how Charmingman said his Stand was called Bigmouth Strikes Again with Paco also realizing that his rough skin was actually his Stand.
Focus then shifted to Charmingman’s fully formed eyeball inside of Usagi’s right lung, beginning to move around and search for the enemy Stand after. He eventually found it attacking a blood vessel wall and diving in, trying to escape him.
However, Charmingman pursued it and caught it with his dust, calling its movements dull and slow, which is typical of a remotely operated, automatic pursuit Stand.
Likewise, JoJoLands chapter 15 then saw Charmingman fully restrain the enemy Stand and begin dragging it out of Usagi. However, the spot where his right eye would normally be on his body began displaying symptoms similar to that of Usagi’s.
The others tell him to stop since he’s getting sick too from touching the Stand, prompting the others to tell him to let go of it. However, he refused, saying he was so close to pulling it out of Usagi.
Jodio then noticed that Dragona was also suffering the same symptoms, as focus shifted back to the land deed building. The chapter ended with the reveal that she was actually a Congressman’s daughter, and that her father was going after illegal activities regarding water sources on Howler-owned land.
The editor’s note teased that Howler Co. is more than they seem in the issue’s final panel.
In review
One of the greatest successes of JoJoLands chapter 15 is its ability to intertwine the advancement of the current plot with the deepening of Charmingman’s character.
More specifically, it’s the deepening of his relationship with Usagi which is especially noteworthy, cementing his respect for them and their likely pairing later on.
The chapter also succeeds greatly in setting up future plotlines, especially with respect to the true identity of the receptionist who helped Usagi and co in the land deed building. That likewise teases that she may have been the attacker’s true target all along, with Jodio and co simply getting caught in the crossfire.
In summation
Overall, JoJoLands chapter 15 is a fairly eventful installment which sets up exciting reveals and battles for the near future of the series. The further future is also taken into consideration, with this latest installment seemingly positioning Howler as a long-term enemy for Jodio and co.
Related links
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