JoJoLands chapter 2: Jodio and Paco have a run-in with the law as a shocking cameo closes out the chapter

The JoJoLands manga is heating up following the conclusion of its 2nd issue (Image via Twitter user @velupium, AKA velupio)
The JoJoLands manga is heating up following the conclusion of its 2nd issue (Image via Twitter user @velupium, AKA velupio)

JoJoLands chapter 2 was officially released on Thursday, March 16, 2023, bringing with it the incredibly exciting continuation of the latest part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series. While fans have always expected series author and illustrator Hirohiko Araki to go above and beyond for what is presumed to be the series’ final part, this latest issue has truly exceeded expectations.


JoJoLands chapter 2 is also exciting for formally introducing the fourth and final member of the group, Usagi Aloha’oe, and his Stand, Matte Kudasai. With this, it seems fans have their main group for a majority of the current part, set to kick off their newfound team with an incredibly high-stakes operation.

Follow along as this article fully breaks down JoJoLands chapter 2 in its entirety.

Jodio shines in JoJoLands chapter 2’s first act, but an unexpected star steals the spotlight to close out the issue

JoJoLands chapter 2: Fighting the law


JoJoLands chapter 2 begins with a woman riding a bike, eventually revealed to be a potential customer of Jodio Joestar’s. She introduces herself to Jodio, claiming that she’s Kate’s friend, asking for “some stuff to help out” with her big exam coming up this week. Jodio claims he doesn’t know anyone called Kate, telling her to get lost and out of his face.

As she prepares to leave, Jodio criticizes her lack of passion and asks if she’s a college student. As he did with his high school client in chapter 2, Jodio then says that he feels like he’s lent the girl money before. He tells her to pay him back by putting the money she owes him into a nearby can, adding that they should “go with that format.”


As the girl gives Jodio a confused look, JoJoLands chapter 2 sees him narrate, explaining that they usually only sell in the schoolyard as a means of putting safety first. However, he adds that Meryl Mei pressures them to extend sales to college kids and others. Jodio says that this makes sense since selling in a limited area can make profits stagnate.


The girl then asks how much she can get for 100 dollars, but Jodio tells her to follow the format and that the ball is in her court. The girl continues to ask questions, prompting Jodio to say she’s kind of suspicious. He calls her the type of girl to be a cop, adding that she looks more and more like a police woman as they continue interacting.

JoJoLands chapter 2 sees the girl question what he’s saying, prompting Jodio to point out all he sees that makes her suspicious in his eyes. The girl asks if he’s always this paranoid, prompting Jodio to say that if she’s not a suspicious person, then she should just put the money in the can. However, the girl calls him a dumb, annoying kid, saying she doesn’t even want to buy anymore.


Before she departs, she gives a word of advice to Jodio, asserting that police aren’t allowed to lie. She extrapolates this to evidential context, saying that if a police officer is caught lying on their camera footage, the filmed evidence becomes useless. She asserts that if an undercover cop is asked if they’re police, they have to answer truthfully, or their evidence won’t be admissible in court.


After the conversation, Jodio asks her if she’s with the police, to which she says no as she puts the money in the can. JoJoLands chapter 2 then sees Jodio instruct her to walk towards a statue of King Kamehameha, prompting Paco Lovelantes to tell her that she “stepped on it.” While Jodio grabs the can and leaves, the girl finds her drugs under a leaf she’s stepping on.

However, it’s then revealed that she is indeed a law enforcement official with the Drug Enforcement Administration, placing both Jodio and Paco under arrest. Paco is tackled by two other DEA agents, while the woman tells Jodio to get on his knees and tells him that he’s being arrested for possession and distribution of illegal drugs.


Jodio is then tackled by two Honolulu police officers, as JoJoLands chapter 2 sees the girl confirm that his suspicions were right and that she was recording with her bike headlight. Jodio and Paco are raving about how they were lied to and tricked, but the girl says that she has everything she needs in material evidence.


However, she adds that she knows the two of them are just gofers, and that their real aim is to track and take down whoever their boss is. She tells the general officers present to read the two their rights and lock them up as she walks away with the bag of drugs secured in an evidence bag.

JoJoLands chapter 2 then reveals that the two officers who are restraining Jodio are the pair from the first chapter, who are particularly brutal with Jodio now as a means of payback. The fatter cop who assaulted Jodio says that it’s a good thing they came on the investigation today, adding that he sees the “cute” Dragona in his dreams every night and can’t forget how his body felt against his own.


The fatter cop then makes s*xual remarks towards Jodio, essentially outwardly saying that he wants to s*xually assault the underage Jodio as well as Dragona. Jodio then says that he should have just killed the two officers “back then,” implying that a relatively significant amount of time has passed since the first issue’s events.


JoJoLands chapter 2 sees Jodio elaborate that he doesn’t care about the two at all in reality, warning them not to ever say anything like that about Dragona again, and let it stay a memory. Jodio then asserts that they have no evidence that they can use to arrest him, activating his Stand November Rain as he says this.

November Rain’s raindrops then destroy the evidence that the female DEA agent is holding, Jodio adds that he wanted to give the cops a piece of his mind, but it’s best to avoid unnecessary issues. He adds that it doesn’t even matter since “those who can’t see it never will” as a shot of the fully-materialized November Rain appears.


The Honolulu police officers themselves then begin to be affected by November Rain’s ability, crying out in pain as they run off. Paco Lovelantes compliments Jodio’s rain, adding that he’s really starting to like the young upstart. JoJoLands chapter 2 then sees Jodio go somewhat off-topic, discussing that he goes to mental counseling at his high school.

JoJoLands chapter 2: Jodio Joestar’s past and future


He adds that he was forced to take a psychological test and that the doctor who gave it said Jodio may have an antisocial personality disorder, also known as psychopathy. Jodio shares that having that label attached to him hurt a bit, as some of the items on the exam are seen, such as “inability to control actions” and “lack of feelings of remorse or guilt.”

JoJoLands chapter 2 sees Jodio elaborate that 18 of the 20 items on the test applied to him, sharing that his mother, Barbara Ann, was very upset to see him described in such a manner. Jodio’s response was simply that he’ll “try and be careful,” seen shortly before he questions if someone like him could ever be happy.


The issue then shifts perspectives back to the arrest scene, as Jodio explains that he thinks he could be happy if he works for it. He adds that the reality of the world is that there are hidden unfair places where he’ll meet scum like the two Honolulu police officers, and it makes him want to lose his mind.


JoJoLands chapter 2 then shifts perspectives and presumably jumps slightly forward in time to the Kona Airport on Hawai’i island. Here, the client-turned-colleague from the first chapter is arriving, greeting the others, and apologizing for his lateness due to plane issues. He then asks for a moment to finish up sending a text, as Dragona and Paco stare at him angrily.

Jodio is looking out onto the runway, saying nothing as this happens. Dragona then reminds the client-turned-colleague that he was supposed to handle the rental car, so they’ve been sitting there doing nothing. Dragona then begins berating him, adding that they’re trapped on the island and need to finish the job in time to catch the last flight back to O’Ahu later that night.


Dragona adds that there’s no way he’ll spend the night on the island after stealing the jewel, with the client-turned-colleague adding that it won’t be an issue since they have plenty of time. JoJoLands chapter 2 sees him add that he knows the perfect rental car place to get a vehicle from, with no cameras and GPS systems that don’t save info.


He then estimates that the car will be roughly 30 dollars per person split up, prompting Paco to ask what his name is. Jodio answers, revealing the fourth member to be the 17-year-old Usagi Aloha’oe. Usagi then lists the ages and names of everyone else on the team, saying he’s excited to work with them before departing to secure the rental car.

Paco claims that Usagi’s excessive enthusiasm is evidence of a drug problem, prompting Dragona to remind him that Meryl Mei approved of him. JoJoLands chapter 2 then shows the team getting into the car as they hear a worker sharing a coupon for a free day of driving, calling it a 90-dollar value. Dragona adds that they paid 30 dollars each for the car, clearly suspicious of Usagi’s math.


The foursome is then seen driving to and arriving at the villa, where Dragona explains that the Japanese person in question seems to prefer staying inside. He adds that there’s a chance they won’t leave at all today, prompting Usagi to explain that the target being a shut-in has nothing to do with him being late.


JoJoLands chapter 2 then sees Jodio share evidence that the target needs to go into the pool, such as a towel with a chair and iPad on it and a beverage station set up. Dragona adds that even if the target doesn’t leave the property, his going for swimming is their window of opportunity. Paco then pulls out a map, explaining that such a plan might work given the location of the pool.


Paco confirms with Jodio that the target is alone, who says he’s certain that unless there’s a surprise visitor, it should be just them in the house. Paco then cements their plan, adding that Jodio will be on their lookout for when the target gets into the pool. He adds that they need to get this done within 15 minutes, ensuring that they’re in and out before anyone notices.


JoJoLands chapter 2 then sees Paco highlight the general area of the house they’ll be searching, which is the main bedroom that should have a hidden safe. Dragona tells everyone to put earbuds in and masks on, adding that they’re to use codenames rather than real names when on call. Usagi suggests using colors for names, calling Dragona Pink and himself Blue.

JoJoLands chapter 2: New Stand, a familiar face


The group then approaches the house, realizing that there’s a security camera out front. Usagi tells Dragona (calling her Pink here) to say “I want a camera,” explaining that what he’s about to do doesn’t work if he says it himself. Dragona says that he wants a camera as Usagi puts his hand to the ground, spawning a tiny bird-like Stand from his hands.

The stand hops up to the wall where the camera is, climbing up on it and eventually merging with the camera. However, before fully merging, it splits off and turns into a duplicate camera of its own. JoJoLands chapter 2 sees Usagi call his Stand the Matte Kudasai, a reference to the song by the progressive rock band King Crimson, explaining that it can use an existing thing to shapeshift into another thing that someone wants.


Adding that he wishes that it worked for himself, he explains that since Dragona wished for two cameras, there will now be two different images of them on the security system. One will be real, while the other is fake. The manga then shows fans two duplicate panels, each showing a perspective of one of the camera’s. The right camera is the fake one, while the left camera is the real one.


Usagi then begins walking towards the house, explaining that there’ll be no evidence to pin on them since it will be impossible to tell which video is real and which is fake. JoJoLands chapter 2 sees the group heading inside as the Japanese villa owner is shown to be in the pool swimming. As previously mentioned, the porch is obviously set up for someone to go for a swim in the pool.


The villa owner stops at one end of the pool as Jodio watches from a nearby fence, though far enough from the pool that he’s seen using binoculars. Jodio then explains that he knows who the Japanese villa owner is, adding that he has “some of his books at home” and always watches the “anime adaptations” online.


JoJoLands chapter 2 sees Jodio realize why the individual is hiding away in the villa from public life, realizing him to be a famous manga artist. As Jodio says this, the individual in question is seen, seemingly being Rohan Kishibe from Diamond is Unbreakable. The resemblance is beyond uncanny, with the two sharing the exact same design styles right down to their pen-tip earring accessories.

The issue confirms this in its final panel as well, with an editor’s note claiming that “the target’s name is Rohan Kishibe” as an alternate view of his head is shown. Thus, the issue ends with fans seemingly reuniting with a character from the franchise’s fourth part. No mention of a break is shown here, seemingly confirming that fans can expect the exciting third issue in next month’s Ultra Jump issue.


JoJoLands Chapter 2: In summation


While some fans may disapprove of the disjointed narrative of JoJoLands chapter 2’s two halves, there’s actually a major benefit to structuring the issue in this way. Ahead of the first major test, readers will see Jodio face, fans are given the opportunity to learn more about him in a clinically psychological context. This will undoubtedly come into play later on in this first arc.

Likewise, it shows fans that Jodio is consistent, with a method to his madness always being present. Fans also see how smart and intuitive he is despite his age, able to instantly tell that the female customer approaching him was suspicious. Where most would see a typical college-age American girl unfamiliar with black market proceedings, Jodio sees someone whose feigned inexperience is a masquerade.


The issue’s second act is also fantastic, implicitly characterizing Usagi via his stealing money from the group while also proving him to be a valuable member of the team nonetheless. Likewise, the closing reveal of Rohan Kishibe, seemingly part 4’s Rohan Kishibe, being in JoJoLands chapter 2 opens plenty of exciting doors to additional cameos, appearances, and lore dumps.

Follow along for more JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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Edited by Vinay Agrawal
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