Jujutsu Kaisen is a captivating manga and anime series, rich in plot complexities, intriguing characters, and heart-stopping battles. This popular series, created by Gege Akutami, is known for its unique blend of supernatural elements and emotional depth. Some fans believe that one of the popular battles in the series, Sukuna vs Mahoraga, could have been made better with Yuki Tsukumo's involvement.
The series primarily centers around Itadori Yuji, who becomes a student at the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical School after swallowing a cursed object that houses Sukuna, the King of Curses. Sukuna's resurrection has caused massive disturbances in the balance of the spirit world, and the battles that ensue are the epitome of excitement in the saga.
Disclaimer: This article purely reflects the writer's opinion and contains spoilers. Reader's discretion is advised.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Akutami and the missed opportunity in Sukuna vs Mahoraga Battle
Sukuna vs Mahoraga is one of the spectacular battles in this series. Despite the high-stakes combat being one of the series' many highlights, some fans suggest that the creator, Akutami, could have enhanced this showdown.
Yuki Tsukumo is a character well-versed in the arts of Jujutsu sorcery. At the crux of the fan theories is the idea that her intervention in the Sukuna versus Mahoraga battle could have introduced new dimensions to the fight.
Also read: Why did Gege Akutami kill off Yuki Tsukumo?
Sukuna's fight against Mahoraga was indeed a spectacle of raw power and strategy, and yet, the inclusion of Yuki could've offered a richer narrative. Yuki's ideologies about curses and her overall understanding of the Jujutsu world could have added a unique strategic element to the monumental battle in question.
Yuki with her alternative views and methods of handling curses in Jujutsu Kaisen could have created a completely different scenario for the fight. Without Yuki's intervention, the fight primarily centered around the display of raw power and tactical maneuvers. Although compelling, it was a missed chance to explore this universe's depth and the motivations behind such characters as Sukuna.
If Yuki had been involved, she could have presented her unique anti-curse techniques, resulting in a more strategic and complex battle. Rather than a direct physical clash, Yuki stepping in would have complicated the fight, prompting Sukuna to reveal unseen sides of his abilities. This situation could have also shown us more about Sukuna's past and beliefs, and how they are different from Yuki's ideas.
Also read: Why is Yuki Tsukumo considered Special Grade?
Along with bringing new tactics, having Yuki in the fight could have told us more about the characters, especially Sukuna. Yuki knows a lot, which could have revealed details about Sukuna's past or reasons for his actions. This would have made watching the battle even more exciting.
In contrast, Reddit users argue against the likelihood that Yuki’s involvement in battle would be beneficial
In Jujutsu Kaisen anime, the details might not be as clear, but if you look at the manga, Sukuna was actually handling Mahoraga without much trouble. Some fans think that if Yuki was part of this fight, she wouldn't add much.
In fact, they argue she might just end up being harmed by Sukuna's powerful attacks, like his domain expansion and fire arrow combo, which could accidentally hurt her as well. This means she might have got in the way more than she would have helped.
Also read: Goodbye Sukuna, The Jujutsu Kaisen MC has finally arrived
One Jujutsu Kaisen fan pointed out on Reddit that in a battle as intense as Sukuna vs Mahoraga, Yuki jumping in might not make a big difference. Instead, she could end up being more at risk than being a help because her fighting abilities don't match up to what Sukuna can do.
Sukuna's fight with Mahoraga in Jujutsu Kaisen is already thrilling and important to the main story. However, many fans think that Akutami missed a chance to make this battle even better by including Yuki Tsukumo. Incorporating Yuki's unique capabilities and perspective might have added more depth to the narrative and a new dimension to the understanding of these characters.
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