Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 201 spoilers were released late on Wednesday night. The spoilers revealed some new information and developments to the current Kenjaku alliance plotline, as well as Geje Akutami's hints at controversial political commentary.
Chapter 201 solidifies Kenjaku's allegiance to the USA. While this does make things intriguing, it also indicates real-life political situations between Japan and the United States.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 201.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 201: Mangaka Gege Akutami makes controversial political commentary
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 201 begins with the introduction of a new character, who appears to be a military commander. This continues with the President questioning Cyrus about his suggestion to abduct other humans for energy research. Cyrus responds by saying that they cannot afford to fall behind China, Russia, and other countries in the race for alternative fuel.
The dialogue then goes on to say that testing Japanese sorcerers would give them an advantage in terms of information and power. Gary confirms, after consulting with Kenjaku, that "the white haired man" (Satoru Gojo) was considered "abnormal" among Sorcerers, implying that he alone would be a massive source of power.

Chapter 201 then proceeds with Geto giving the President a brief of the Shibuya Incident and the Gojo situation. Gary dismisses the Japanese people, claiming that they lack "muscle and bullet," prompting Uraume to challenge him.
Kenjaku and Uraume appear in the West Wing of the White House after exchanging words. Meanwhile, the President and his entourage relocate to the East Wing.
As Gary explains to the President how experienced and elite the soliders are, they start floating up into the air. This occurs when viewers see a massive Elephant-like Cursed Spirit pulling the strings. Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 201 concludes with Kenjaku approaching the President's group, reaffirming that everyone is on the same page and that the "Sorcerers Hunt" has begun.
Controversial Political Undertone

There is a political undercurrent running throughout this scenario. Kenjaku's decision to approach foreign countries, particularly the United States, emphasizes the importance of the US-Japan alliance. Since the Second World War, the two countries have had treaties governing trade and other areas of mutual interest.
However, given the current reality, Japan recognizes its insufficient military might (when Gary said "lack muscle and bullet"). Japanese companies have never seriously considered manufacturing defense goods because they do not believe it is a profitable business. That is about to change, as the country's defense budget will become clearer at the end of the year.
Through Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 201, Akutami depicted the real-life political situation at hand. Kenjaku's decision to form an alliance with a foreign country, particularly the United States, alludes to the current situation, drawing a parallel to reality.