Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 was released in Weekly Shonen Jump Issue 20 on Monday, March 16, at 12:00 am JST. The chapter focused on the previously unknown details of the Culling Game and returned to Tokyo Jujutsu High alongside some long absent faces. The concept of Pure Barriers was also introduced in this chapter.
In the previous chapter, Sukuna and Yorozu’s battle finally concluded with Yorozu/Tsumiki taking their last breath. Sukuna summoned Mahoroga during the fight, implying that he could control the Shikigami. His sister’s apparent death pushed Megumi further into the darkness. Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 is titled Self-purification, Self-constraint.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 sets Gojo up to be released, Kenjaku reveals Tengen’s true purpose in his grand scheme

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 begins by displaying that Culling Game player Suguru Geto currently possesses 309 points, which Kenjaku has been using to implement new rules. He tries to add a rule to forbid any new players from entering the Game, but Kogane refuses to allow it on the grounds of being in direct conflict with Rule 7 as the new rule would have a long-lasting effect on the Culling Game.
Pure Barriers
In Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220, Kenjaku explains that Japan has many Pure barriers which are stronger than Regular barriers and were created by Tengen. Of these, four are pivotal: Central Imperial Palace, Star Tomb Corridors under Tokyo Jujutsu High, Yamakuni Mausoleum in Kyoto, and the largest one dividing Japan in East and West, the Holy mountain of Hida.
Destroying any one of these four barriers will make Culling Game impossible to continue since:
1. The game uses the Bon or Brahmic Barrier (Bonten being the Japanese name for Brahma), a stronger barrier design based on the original design of the Pure barriers, and
2. The Pure Barriers help Tengen perfect his own suppression and barrier techniques, two key points on which Kenjaku hinged the ultimate goal of the Culling Game.
The Game Master
Kenjaku states that the Culling Game does not have a Game Master. However, if there was one, it would have been Tengen, although it is a role that Kenjaku picked for him without any input from the sorcerer himself. Being the de facto Game Master and the controller of these barriers, Tengen could have, at any point after Shibuya, destroyed these four barriers and ended the Culling Game.
But doing so would have resulted in an all-out war with Cursed Spirits that would have claimed many lives regardless, and would have then necessitated a massive hunt for information on barrier techniques that have been lost ages ago. Therefore, Tengen chose to trust that the sorcerers would win against Kenjaku.
The Glitch
After being denied, Kenjaku threatens Kogane to implement his rule, otherwise, he would destroy the Hida Mountain Barrier. He summons Tengen, although Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 is very vague on whether Tengen has been with him all along or if he suddenly appears after the summoning. Either way, Kenjaku can destroy the barrier, thus destabilizing the Culling Game and effectively ending it.
Thus, Kenjaku creates what Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 calls a glitch. Kogane’s objective is to keep the Culling Game going at any cost. When faced with two choices that both lead to the inevitable end of the game, Kogane will choose the one that prolongs its existence, which is, in this case, implementing Kenjaku’s rule.
In the same fashion, Kenjaku forces Kogane to add another rule, which states that the Cullong Game will end when all players except Suguru Geto and Megumi Fushiguro are dead.
Kenjaku tells Tengen that he cannot simply remove the Barrier to end the Culling Game as that will also remove the chance of a ritual merger. They walk further inside the Hida Barrier and find Sukuna’s original body, which Kenjaku endeavors to return to its owner given that it won’t disrupt the barrier.
Jujutsu High Regrouping
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 then cuts to Tokyo Jujutsu High, where several students and allies have assembled. It is revealed that Amai saved Kurusu from the fall with assistance from Takaba. While Shoko has healed Kurusu with Reversed Cursed Technique, she is in no condition to fight, leading Yuta to ask if Angel can transfer herself to someone else. Angel replies that the reason so many ancient sorcerers accepted Kenjaku’s proposal was because they couldn’t discern how to become Cursed Objects or inhabit people.
As the Disgraced One who has divided his soul into parts before, Sukuna can accomplish a transfer of possession that others cannot, therefore, Angel can only release Gojo now. Yuji Thanks Amai for saving Kurusu, according to Shoko, Yuji is now a Cursed Object saturated with Sukuna’s Cursed Energy. Yuji plans to use that to defeat Sukuna, even if he has to eat more things to gain power. Choso hands him Yuki’s research on souls and reassures him that his brothers will live on in Yuji.
Both Yuji and Yuta have plans to save Megumi, but Maki reminds them that they must render Sukuna incapable of fighting. As students, including Hakari and Inumaki, continue planning, Shoko remembers that Gojo planned to create a group of strong individuals who won’t be lonely in their strength. Shoko muses that while she was not in love with either Gojo or Geto, she had always been there as their friend, so Gojo was never really alone. Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 ends with Shoko asking Gojo to come back.
Final thoughts
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 sheds light on Kenjaku’s plans and limitations. With the retrieval of Sukuna’s body, chances increase that the King of Curses will transfer himself into his original body and thus destroy Megumi’s body completely. It is unclear how Kenjaku plans to use Sukuna, but the Curse certainly plays a larger role in the Merger.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 220 marks the return of Inumaki, Hakari, Kirara, Shoko, Panda, Amai, Ui Ui, Takaba, and Yuta. With Kurusu still alive and Angel willing to break Gojo free, the strongest sorcerer’s return is all but guaranteed. While in the universe, Gojo has been sealed for only 19 days, it has been more than two years for the readers. Undoubtedly, Gojo’s return will be one of the more pivotal moments in the ongoing arc.