Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 was released earlier this weekend, bringing with it the incredibly exciting continuation of the unexpected matchup between Kenjaku and Fumihiko Takaba. While fans weren’t expecting this fight when it began in the previous issue, a sense of excitement and anticipation has surrounded it since the previous installment’s release.
However, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees the fight progress in a completely unpredictable manner. While Kenjaku does gain the advantage as fans expected, he does so in a way that nearly no one predicted. Likewise, fans expected Takaba to at least be able to fight back somewhat, but he appears unable to do so based on the matchup’s current state.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees Kenjaku deactivate Comedian by attacking Takaba’s self-confidence
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240: Secrets revealed…?

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 begins with Hana Kurusu (and likewise Angel), Yuta Okkotsu, Mei Mei, Kinji Hakari, and Atsuya Kusakabe gathered in a stairwell. Angel claims that they should ambush Kenjaku before Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna’s fight ends, to which no one says anything.
Angel says that even if they win against Sukuna, it’s meaningless if Kenjaku’s goals are achieved. Hakari confirms that the Culling Game ending is what triggers the assimilation, with Yuta then pointing out that both he and Hakari are players so Kenjaku’s goals can’t be achieved while Sukuna is being fought.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 then sees Kusakabe question himself how a win against Sukuna results in their whole team being wiped out. However, he decides to keep quiet and read the room, before adding that Miwa and the others won’t join the frontlines no matter the conditions, even if they are Culling Game players.

Angel points out that Kenjaku could ambush them once Gojo loses, to which Hakari says that could be an issue while they deal with Sukuna. Angel further explains that even if Gojo fails and the others win narrowly against Sukuna, they’d be at their limits while having to fight a fresh Kenjaku.
Yuta questions if Angel is saying there’s a chance Kenjaku and Sukuna try to do to them what they want to do to Sukuna.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees Kusakabe suggest sending Maki Zen’in to ambush Kenjaku, but says it doesn’t make sense to split their forces before fighting Sukuna. He also adds that they can’t send just anyone to ambush him, even adding he’s not up to the task as a Grade One sorcerer.
Mei Mei counters that ranking may not be the deciding factor here, before calling herself out of the question due to having fought and ran from Kenjaku before.
Angel then suggests sending Fumihiko Takaba, much to the surprise of everyone else present. Angel then shares that he has information on Takaba’s Cursed Technique which could negatively impact its efficacy, and asks everyone present to keep the info to themselves.
However, just as Angel is about to share this information, the scene shifts to Kenjaku versus Takaba.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240: A hilarious battle
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 then sees Kenjaku attacking Takaba with centipedes, with the latter claiming it doesn’t hurt because he’s a cartoon. Kenjaku says Takaba is negating his own Technique, while Takaba claims that even a child could beat Kenjaku, and he’ll prove it.
Kenjaku speculates that Takaba’s Cursed Technique is the emanation of phenomena, when suddenly an American flag bandana and sunglasses appear on his head, a la Yu-Gi-Oh’s Bandit Keith.
Kenjaku deduces that Takaba’s Cursed Technique is an embodiment and enforcement of his imagination while throwing off the outfit. As Takaba laments this choice, Kenjaku claims all of his knowledge will prove meaningless in this fight. Kenjaku adds that all Techniques have weaknesses, before asking Takaba who he is.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees Takaba introduce himself in the context of his comedy career credentials, leading Kenjaku to implicitly insult Takaba, who takes offense to this.
Kenjaku claims it was just a joke, making some jokes of his own. The two then begin discussing their tastes in comedy, with Kenjaku shocked to see them actually getting along despite their differences in taste.
Takaba then asks Kenjaku why he’s forcing people to kill each other and wants everyone to assimilate, to which Kenjaku says it's entertaining. Kenjaku then summates it as intellectual curiosity, claiming he doesn’t want to have this conversation again today. Takaba asks if something more entertaining were to exist, there would be no need for violence.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 then sees Takaba claim that “just try and make me laugh” is written on Kenjaku’s face, causing a mirror to appear, revealing to Kenjaku that this is truly on his face. Takaba then uses a spinoff of his Wi-Fi joke, claiming that this is none of Kenjaku’s “busi-net.”
Kenjaku sighs and guesses the origins of the joke, before explaining why the joke wouldn’t make sense by comparing it to another famous Japanese joke.
Takaba is frustrated by his joke being torn apart logically by someone who understands it, when the scene changes suddenly. Kenjaku is now taking the form of someone hosting an audition, telling Takaba to craft his set with an audience in mind.
Takaba laments how doing comedy with Kenjaku isn’t fun at all, when Kenjaku suddenly attacks Takaba and causes the scene to return to normal.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees Kenjaku call the attack a success, deducing that Takaba’s Technique has conditions revolving around the user’s own conviction and self-confidence. Takaba backs up while criticizing Kenjaku’s comedy experience and knowledge, claiming he cares not what Kenjaku thinks, but what everyone else does.
Kenjaku mocks Takaba’s opinions, causing him to initiate a staring contest where the loser is who laughs first. The two make funny faces at each other, with Takaba laughing first and Kenjaku punching him. Takaba claims Kenjaku doesn’t know how to have a staring contest, before questioning if Kenjaku is actually funnier than he is.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 sees Takaba crawl forward as he reassures himself he is funny, coming upon Iori Hazenoki’s dead body as a result. Kenjaku tells him to laugh since he’s a comedian, causing Takaba to question how he could laugh at this. This causes Takaba to question why he became a comedian in the first place as the issue comes to an end.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240: In summation
Overall, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 240 serves as an exciting and hilarious continuation to Takaba and Kenjaku’s fight, setting up some long-awaited backstory for Takaba. Although the fight is heavily in Kenjaku’s favor for now, fans can expect Takaba’s introspection and the realization of Hazenoki’s death to give him an edge in future releases.
The issue also does a great job of putting over Kenjaku and how crafty and analytic he can be, even when faced with a Cursed Technique he has no knowledge of whatsoever. While he still remains the favorite in this fight, it seems that Takaba might be set to begin turning the tables on him in next week’s chapter and beyond.
Be sure to keep up with all Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.