In the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, the intense battle between Yuta Okkotsu, Orimoto Rika, and Yuji Itadori against the fearsome Curse Sukuna reaches its climax in chapter 251. The story takes a turn as Maki Zen'in enters, armed with exceptional skills and an unyielding spirit, bearing the Soul Splitter Katana gifted by her sister, Mai Zen'in.
Maki battles Sukuna using her special blade, becoming the center of attention as she strives to defeat Sukuna. Despite the long odds, Maki's skills, including her Heavenly Restriction and adeptness with cursed tools, prove invaluable. As the battle commences, fans anticipate Maki's approach to overcoming a big challenge from Sukuna.
Jujutsu Kaisen manga finally pits Maki Zen'in against Ryomen Sukuna
In chapter 251 of Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuta Okkotsu, Rika, and Yuji Itadori reached a pivotal moment in their fight against Sukuna. They found themselves seriously injured and unable to match Sukuna's tremendous strength. As Megumi Fushiguro's condition worsened, Maki Zen'in stepped in to help. Maki is armed with the Soul Splitter Katana gifted by her sister Mai Zen'in in her dying moments.
Maki confronts Sukuna with determination and fighting prowess, aiming to turn the tables in their battle against the formidable cursed spirit. Rushing to rescue Megumi from the legendary King of Curses, Maki faces a tough challenge in overpowering Sukuna. As the strongest curse with unmatchable power, Sukuna has proven his supremacy over the years.
Despite Maki's courage and determination, fans must acknowledge the vast disparity in strength between her and Sukuna. Overcoming Sukuna requires not only tremendous power but also profound knowledge of curses and skillful application of their abilities.
While the challenge appears huge, Maki could potentially succeed against Sukuna if she is aided by other gifted Jujutsu Sorcerers. Together, by sharing their diverse skills and coordinating carefully, they may find a way to defeat this formidable foe.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Maki Zen'in's Abilities and Powers
Despite the challenges that seem impossible to overcome, Maki has unique capabilities and powers that should not be underestimated. One of Maki's distinguishing traits is her Heavenly Restriction.
For Maki, her Heavenly Restriction in the Jujutsu Kaisen series grants her enhanced physical strength, endowing her with a "body of steel" and bestowing extraordinary combat skills. In this regard, she is like Toji Fushiguro, who also lacked cursed energy but had exceptional physical prowess. Maki possesses superhuman strength and speed and can even perceive inorganic matter.
In addition, Maki makes up for her lack of cursed energy by being highly skilled with cursed tools. She has mastered the use of various weapons, including polearms, spears, and katana. Her expertise in handling these weapons sets her apart from other sorcerers who rely heavily on cursed energy to strengthen their fighting abilities. Maki's ability to smoothly transition between these weapons during intense fights reveals her remarkable flexibility and talent.
Final thoughts
As Jujutsu Kaisen captivates audiences with its battles and characters, the question of whether Maki can stand up to Sukuna remains uncertain. While Sukuna's power presents a challenge, Maki's abilities and Heavenly Restriction make her formidable. Her mastery of weapons and strength put her on par with skilled sorcerers. As the battle continues, fans eagerly await how Maki handles Sukuna, eager to witness her skills as a Jujutsu sorcerer.