Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 was officially released earlier this weekend, bringing with it the exciting continuation to the apparent return of Satoru Gojo to the battlefield. Likewise, fans were desperate to learn whether or not this really was Gojo, with his departure from the series being one of the most controversial in and of itself, even without the context.
Thankfully, Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 does provide a concrete answer there, even if it’s one self-proclaimed Gojo stans may not be the biggest fans of. However, this reveal does bring with it an exciting setup to what’s likely the conclusion of the Shinjuku arc and the series overall.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 231 confirms that Yuta has taken over Gojo’s body via Kenjaku’s Cursed Technique
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 231: An unexpected twist

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 began immediately where the last issue ended, with Sukuna looking at the figure through the smoke in shock that it’s seemingly Satoru Gojo.
At first, this does seem to be the case, but a burst of wind blows Gojo’s hair back and reveals a stitched surgery scar similar to the one on Geto’s body after Kenjaku had taken over.
Sukuna is shocked to see this but begins laughing, apologizing and saying that he underestimated him due to not thinking he was capable of going to such lengths. It’s then revealed that Yuta Okkotsu has taken over Gojo’s body, prompting a flashback to Yuta first discussing the idea with several of his allies. Maki Zen’in and Kinji Hakari are seen objecting, but the latter caveats that with it only being acceptable once all other options are exhausted.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 then sees Panda explain the plan, which starts with Rika eating Kenjaku and copying his body switching Cursed Technique. Yuta would then use this technique to hop into Gojo’s body and reenter the fight.
Atsuyu Kusakabe suggests Yuta copying Gojo’s Limitless instead, but Shoko Ieiri points out that he can’t use Limitless without the Six Eyes. Likewise, he’s unable to copy the Six Eyes, as they’re a physical attribute.

Maki then points out that Yuta can only use his Copy Cursed Technique while Rika is fully manifested, which is capped at five minutes.
She questions what happens when that time ends, prompting Yuta to say he doesn’t know. Mei Mei then explains the three likely possibilities which depend on how Kenjaku’s Cursed Technique functions.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 sees her essentially boil down to these options to Yuta either dies in Gojo’s body immediately once the five minutes expire, he dies sometime after, or he’s able to use Gojo’s Limitless. The last option assumes the possibility of Yuta being stuck in Gojo’s body forever, even if his own can be healed up to the point where he could inhabit it again.
Yuta says he’s not against this as a final option, saying that even if Rika isn’t fully manifested he can use his copy ability freely inside his Domain Expansion, and likewise will try this first.
He then adds that if he fails there, he will take Gojo’s body, prompting a scowling Maki to intervene and tells him to quit talking like it’s settled, as she doesn’t like the plan at all.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261: Becoming a monster

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 sees Yuta interrupt, saying he’s getting angry about this, as no matter how they look at it, his plan is what they should do.
Kusakabe counters that he’s right as far as the plan goes, but their concern is what happens to him as a person. Yuta takes grievance with the use of the term “as a person,” pointing out that they’re going against history’s strongest sorcerer, and that throwing away their humanity is the least they can do for victory.
He questions if becoming a monster frightens everyone that badly, to which Maki says he’s extremely important to all of them, hence their concern. Yuta angrily responds by asking what about Gojo, and the fact that they always push the burden of being a monster onto him alone.
He adds that if Gojo dies, one of them will have to take that spot, and if no one else steps up then he will, with this statement seemingly resonating with the others.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 then sees an angry Yuta ask Gojo to take over his body if he passes, to which Gojo says he doesn’t care since he doesn’t plan on losing.
He hilariously adds that what truly upsets him is the fact that Shoko didn’t object at all. Yuta then tells Gojo about how Takako Uro told him he’s a Fujiwara descendent, while Gojo once told him Sugawara.

Gojo says he is, saying that they’re distant relatives before questioning the relationship the Fujiwara and Sugawara clans had. Yuta says Uro may have just been confused, to which Gojo says both she and him may be right.
He points out that Yuta may have been born even more blessed than him, calling it lame if he doesn’t take advantage of this. Likewise, he reminds Yuta to take care of his sloppy Cursed Energy control in a touching teacher and student moment.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 then sees Gojo tell Yuta and the others to leave, saying that while he can’t order them to leave, he’d rather not show his students something so gruesome.
He furthers that this is especially the case since he doesn’t know if what he’s doing is right. However, he adds that even if he loses, Gakuganji will be in charge once he deals with everyone in the nearby room, which is clearly meant to be the higher ups.
In turn, that seemingly confirms Gojo is the one who killed the higher ups, as he furthers that with Gakuganji in charge the post-Shibuya chaos won’t be replicated in any scenario.
He then tells them to leave once more, but they reject this, with Yuta asking him not to bear the burden of being a monster alone anymore. Gojo then enters the room, saying that nothing can be done about that since he was left in the dust “back then” as he thinks of Suguru Geto.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261: Domain clash part 2
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 sees Gojo say he has to catch up, as the flashback jumps ahead in time to show Rin Amai demonstrating his Cursed Technique to Yuji and others. He explains that he amplifies the sugar in his body and manifests it externally in some way, adding that he gets lightheaded when using it due to his blood sugar dropping.
Shoko asks him if he could transfer the sugar to others, to which Amai says he thinks he can. She then designates him as a medical team member alongside her and Akari Nitta, saying that he will administer sugar to the brain during Cursed Technique activation. She reminds him not to overdo it, as there’s no point if the person he’s helping passes out from high blood sugar.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 then jumps ahead in time to Amai being horrified by the current state of Yuta’s body. Nitta emphasizes that his Technique has stopped Yuta’s wounds from exacerbating, but he adds that he can’t heal Yuta like this. Furthermore, he says it’s beyond Yuta’s own Reverse Cursed Technique to heal also, seemingly cementing the demise of his original body.
Yuta then explains he’s maintaining consciousness thanks to Rika, but that too will soon end, deciding to go through with his plan likewise.
Shoko reveals Gojo’s body has been sutured, but once Yuta swaps, he would need to use Reverse Cursed Technique at max capabilities to finish the treatment, which Amai would help with.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 sees Yuta apologize to Rika for moving the ring to his right hand as the flashback ends. In the present, both Sukuna and Yuta activate their Domain Expansions, as the narrator questions how one counters Sukuna’s open-barrier Domain, saying that Gojo’s hands once again answer the question.
The issue ends with a clash between Malevolent Shrine and Unlimited Void starting, also confirming a series break next week.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261: In summation
While incredibly dense, chapter 261 is also one of the most developmental issues in the entire series, especially as it relates to the characters of Yuta Okkotsu and Satoru Gojo. Other characters also benefit from this focus on their characterization, but Yuta and Gojo undoubtedly shine during the issue’s events.
Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 261 also sets up what’s likely the biggest chance for victory Yuji Itadori and co have had since Gojo first died. In turn, that could very well be the start of the final act of what should be the manga’s final fight, seeing Yuta quite possibly give his own life in the fight to kill off Ryomen Sukuna.
Related links
- Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 260 highlights
- Jujustu kaisen chapter 259 highlights
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- Gege reveals how Gojo returned in Jujutsu Kaisen, and it's worse than anyone thought
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