In the captivating world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where powerful Jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits battle for dominance, an ally has risen to be the potent force for sorcerers—Higuruma. Recently, mangaka Gege Akutami confirmed that this enigmatic figure holds the potential to be the one who can stand up against Ryomen Sukuna, the series' main and most powerful antagonist.
Akutami has been hinting at Higuruma's remarkable abilities for a while, but it is now revealed that his powers go far beyond what was imagined. Higuruma's progression into a master of air walking, previously solely attributed to Sukuna, has been a tantalizing revelation.
The series has also shown Higuruma's lightning-fast motions, subtly implying that these fast and short bouts of speed are driven by his Cursed Energy, similar to the impressive feats of Sukuna.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen series and reflects the author's opinions.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Higuruma's potential to rival Ryomen Sukuna
The latest news regarding Higuruma's capabilities has revealed the vastness of his prowess. His incredible skills have been subtly communicated throughout the series, from his ultra-quick movements to his flawless Cursed Energy manipulation, which is now confirmed to be on the same level as Sukuna's.
One of the most striking factors in Higuruma's approach to strength is his almost total command over air walking—a technique used by Sukuna with great skill. Those small bursts of Cursed Energy that can be seen in Higuruma's actions are not just illustrations of his speedy prowess, but also a symbol of his perfect execution of this sophisticated technique.
Many believe Higuruma will be the strongest character in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe in a year's time. This is because of his Domain Amplification—an ability that neither Yuji Itadori nor Okkotsu Yuta are now capable of. In addition, air walking at Sukuna's level isolates Higuruma from elite characters like Zen'in Maki, who have not yet been able to demonstrate that sort of superiority.
How Higuruma's power dynamics can affect the Jujutsu Kaisen world
Higuruma's potential to challenge Sukuna's supremacy can have profound effects on the overall narrative of the series. With the end of Sukuna's threat, Jujutsu sorcerers are now preparing for any stronger threat that might surface in the near future. Hence, Higuruma's emergence as a new power player could bring a radical change in the upcoming conflict, giving rise to new ways of storytelling.
The character's part as a strong player in the ongoing conflicts could also tilt the balance of power through his actions and alliances, wherein he could determine the fates of other important characters and the course of the story.
Final thoughts
The revelation of Higuruma's growing strength and mastery of advanced techniques, including air walking and Domain Amplification, solidifies his position as a formidable force. His potential to rival Ryomen Sukuna, one of the series' most feared antagonists, signals a major shift in the power dynamics of the Jujutsu world.
With the ability to challenge even the strongest sorcerers, Higuruma's rise introduces new possibilities for future conflicts and storylines.
Related links:
- Akutami finally reveals Uraume's actual gender in Jujutsu Kaisen volume 28
- Jujutsu Kaisen may have misled fans on the Ten Shadows Technique's true nature all along
- Jujutsu Kaisen: Akutami may have turned Sukuna into an inverse of Daenerys from Game of Thrones