Following the premiere of the Jujutsu Kaisen television anime adaptation by MAPPA Studios in 2020, the enigmatic Suguru Geto is one of the most popular characters among fans. This was only exacerbated by 2021’s Jujutsu Kaisen 0 film, which saw fans once again swooning over Geto in his role as the main antagonist.
Likewise, Geto became one of the most popular characters to cosplay as. His expressiveness, unique outfit and appearance, and overall demeanor were incredibly attractive to those in the cosplay scene in terms of him being a model to copy from. With the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 set to focus on Geto’s high school years, this popularity has surged once again.
Unsurprisingly, this has led to fans trying new, unique cosplay options out for Geto. Some are choosing to give him more pedestrian clothes, while others portray him with a unique hairstyle and overall appearance. However, one of the most popular cosplays to be posted to social media as of late features a gender-bent Geto which has fans swooning. The images were shared by a Twitter user and cosplayer @gaytouu on her Twitter page on Sunday, May 28, 2023.
Jujutsu Kaisen’s Suguru Geto gets a transformative makeover in Twitter cosplayer’s latest portrayal
The cosplayer, and apparent Jujutsu Kaisen fan @gaytouu (Regan) recently shared her take on a gender-bent version of Suguru Geto on her Twitter page. The first post came on Sunday at roughly 10 pm Pacific Standard Time. This post featured Regan mimicking two poses Geto makes in the aforementioned 0 film from 2021.
The scene in question comes after a point in the film in which Geto successfully exorcizes a Cursed Spirit from a non-sorcerer woman who comes to him seeking help. One pose sees Geto fiendishly smiling in celebration of having acquired another Cursed Spirit, while the other sees him with a much more confused and inquisitive expression.
The second post from Regan on her cosplay of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Suguru Geto features yet another recreative shot from the series’ 0 film. The original shot sees Geto looking back over his shoulder while smiling softly, a pose which Regan absolutely and enchantingly nails. Several fans have agreed, pointing out how charming and captivating her portrayal of Geto is.
Especially intriguing is that Regan doesn’t appear to be a general cosplayer based on her Twitter account. Likewise, without any other social media accounts linked, this does seem to be the case regarding her role in the cosplay community. Likewise, this serves as a further testament to how great her cosplay of Geto is, nailing everything from the outfit and hair even down to her own expressions.
While Regan has shared the possibility of doing cosplays of other characters from Jujutsu Kaisen on her page since the Geto one, this appears to be a sentiment reserved for this series only. This is exciting since there are a number of gender-bent characters she can bring to life. However, it is a little sad as well as her talents in the area will (implicitly) be restricted to one series and one series only.
In any case, fans of the series and anime are praising Regan for the excellent work she did in her Geto cosplay. While it would be nice to see someone with such natural skill and talent branch out into other series, fans can count on her potential future cosplays for author and illustrator Gege Akutami’s series being incredibly high quality.
Be sure to keep up with all Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.