Over its nearly five years of serialization, Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen has cemented itself as one of the best new-gen shonen manga. Thanks to a unique power system, a refreshing level of maturity, and inventive takes on classic tropes, nearly everyone who has read the series has nothing but good things to say about it.
One character within Jujutsu Kaisen who best represents its level of maturity is Megumi Fushiguro, a character with a tragic, albeit nuanced, background and origin. With the series’ latest issue seemingly adding another dark chapter to Megumi’s backstory, fans are curious as to exactly what the sorcerer's life has been like following the losses he suffered throughout Jujutsu Kaisen.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen's fan-favorite character Megumi Fushiguro has one of the most tragic backstories
Megumi Fushiguro lives a life that is plagued by death and abandonment. Born to Toji Zenin and an unnamed mother, the raven-haired sorcerer's mother died shortly after giving birth to him, resulting in his father becoming a single dad. However, he returned to his “unstable” ways, which mirrored his life before meeting his wife in the wake of her death.
Megumi then saw his father marry Tsumiki Fushiguro’s mother, making the two of them step-siblings, as well as giving him a new mother and family to enjoy. While it is unclear if Tsumiki’s mother died or simply disappeared, after Toji’s death at the hands of Satoru Gojo, both Tsumiki and Megumi were left parentless once again.
Thus, the Fushiguro siblings began their lives with just one another in the years before Jujutsu Kaisen’s story would start. The two attended Saitama Urami East Junior High School at one point, becoming schoolmates who were a year apart. Tsumiki was a third-year student during their time there, while Megumi was a second-year.
Megumi himself said that they remained at the school until just after he became a third-year student when tragedy suddenly struck again. One fateful night, Tsumiki followed her friends to the Yasohachi Bridge, where she was cursed and subsequently fell into a coma at roughly the same time as several other victims across Japan.
Moving to the onset of the Jujutsu Kaisen mainline story, Tsumiki is still in comatose, with her status remaining unchanged. In the meantime, Megumi had started attending Tokyo Jujutsu High at the behest of Satoru Gojo, who became a father figure to him following the aforementioned events.
This leads Megumi to the start of his journey in the mainline series in Jujutsu Kaisen, where he is sent to Sugisawa Third High School to retrieve a Cursed Object, which is eventually revealed as one of Sukuna’s fingers. Here, he meets Yuji Itadori, whose journey into the jujutsu world begins with eating a finger. However, Yuji’s death on a mission shortly after that seemingly marked yet another moment of loss in Megumi’s life.
Thankfully, it is later revealed in Jujutsu Kaisen that Yuji survived the encounter with a Special Grade Cursed Spirit, at least temporarily, saving Megumi from another tragedy. However, later events start an apparent chain reaction of tragedies for him, albeit with some unconfirmed losses in the series as of this article’s writing.
The Shibuya Incident arc sees Megumi lose several of his beloved Shikigami, as well as having Satoru Gojo sealed inside of the prison realm. This is further exacerbated by the apparent loss of Nobara Kugisaki, who remains absent since the arc’s conclusion, even in the many subsequent chapters later. While it’s unclear how close they were, Kento Nanami also tragically passes as a result of the arc’s events.
While the events of the Shibuya Incident arc are tragic, one silver lining for Megumi is that his step-sister, Tsumiki, finally awakens from her coma because of Kenjaku’s actions. Unfortunately, based on how fans have been interpreting the Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 211 spoilers, Megumi may be forced to say goodbye to Tsumiki just as they finally reunite.
Be sure to keep up with all Jujutsu Kaisen anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.