Anime shows like Jujutsu Kaisen have certainly played an important role in making this form of media mainstream. A few years ago, anime was followed by a substantially smaller group with a tight-knit community. Content creators were scarce in this field, and very few conventions were held in Western countries.
However, that has changed drastically, and this show, in particular, has amassed a huge fan following. In one recent instance, the parents of a newborn named their daughter after Maki Zenin, one of the most well-written characters in the series.
Naturally, the fanbase had mixed reactions when they heard that a child was named after a popular anime character. While some were quite open to it, others scoffed at this idea.
Disclaimer: This article explores certain reactions that are based on information from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga chapters. Therefore, this section of the article contains spoilers.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Fans have mixed reactions over an Indonesian family naming their child Maki Zenin
An Indonesian family named their daughter Maki Humaira Zenin. An X user, @Ber1yan, from Indonesia explained that one of the biggest reasons for this name is because the father was a massive fan of the Jujutsu Kaisen series.
As per the netizen, the father loves the series dearly and wishes for his daughter to grow up strong and independent. Maki Zenin is an exceptionally strong being who is not only empathetic towards her comrades but is also a great example of self-reliance.
The netizen added another detail, which gave fans another layer of information. They stated that the girl was born on a Monday. This day of the week is called Senin in Indonesian. This could have been another reason for the father to choose this name.
Fans immediately expressed concern for her parents because, in the Jujutsu Kaisen series, Maki Zenin obliterates and kills her entire clan. While it was an outrageous claim, a sizable chunk of the comments section was worried that their daughter would turn out to harm her own family. Here are some reactions from the comments section of @JJK_Mya on X:

Some Jujutsu Kaisen fans seemed to love the idea of naming their daughter after Maki since she is a role model who has worked incredibly hard at every stage of her life.
Furthermore, her contribution to the plot has been quite significant so far. These were some of the reasons that could have played a role in the parents naming their child after a Jujutsu Kaisen character.

That being said, not everyone was happy with how things turned out. Some felt quite bad for their child. Some netizens also admitted they would never name their child after any anime character. The fanbase didn’t hold back and criticized the parents, showing no mercy to them.
Final thoughts
Whether or not a child should be named after a character is a debate that parents seem to have these days. The fanbase was quite divided on this subject, but a sizeable chunk of the fanbase leaned towards not naming their kid after the Jujutsu Kaisen series.
The popularity of this particular anime series is only growing as the days advance. It will be interesting to see just how big this franchise will get over time.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.