Jujutsu Kaisen has undeniably been the most prominent anime and manga of the year, and a huge part of that was due to the compelling characters of Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna. The manga finally showed their long-awaited battle, while the anime showed some of their best moments in the series, such as Gojo's battle with Toji Fushiguro and Sukuna destroying Shibuya as he fought the likes of Jogo and Mahoraga.
However, the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom also had divisive opinions on the way the battle between Sukuna and Gojo concluded, with some people claiming that the former got a lot of plot armor. Furthermore, there is now a feeling that author Gege Akutami is giving special treatment to the antagonist of the series, even going as far as copying some of Gojo's finest moments, according to some sections of the fandom.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen series.
Jujutsu Kaisen fans' complaints about the way Sukuna has been treated in the series
There was a recent discussion online among Jujutsu Kaisen fans regarding Ryomen Sukuna in chapter 247 of the manga, which was leaked this week and is bound to come out officially on January 7, 2024, doing a similar pose to the Purple Satoru Gojo thrown at Toji Fushiguro during their fight in the Hidden Inventory arc. This resulted in a discussion about the way the King of Curses has been treated by author Gege Akutami in recent months.
There is a good portion of fans of the series who have felt that Akutami gives Sukuna a lot of special treatment, which is a pattern they have brought up since the conclusion of the battle with Gojo. A lot of people have felt that the ending of the battle lacked momentum and didn't do justice to the character of Gojo, who was killed off-screen without proper buildup to Sukuna's finishing attack.
Furthermore, the manga has been constantly building up Sukuna to be capable of dealing with pretty much anything that has been thrown his way, which has frustrated readers. While it makes sense that he is powerful enough to deal with a lot of different situations in combat, it can also make things a lot harder for the story to have a satisfying conclusion in the coming months.
Jujutsu Kaisen and the issue with Sukuna
Sukuna was always known to be extremely powerful across the series, and that is something Akutami has been very consistent with, although now there is the issue of how to conclude the series in a way that feels logical and satisfying. It says a lot that chapter 247 ended with the cliffhanger of Yuji Itadori about to stab Sukuna with Higuruma's Executioner's Sword, a weapon that kills whoever it touches as long as they are deemed worthy of getting the death penalty, and most fans know that the King of Curses is going to survive this.
This antagonist has been developed as this huge wall to climb, and most fans have loved Sukuna as a character, but the stronger he gets, the harder it is to come up with a fitting way to finish him in the story. There is also this fan theory that the series is going to end with Sukuna winning, defeating humanity, and facing the result of Kenjaku's merger, which is supposed to be a monumental curse.
Final thoughts
Ryomen Sukuna recently got criticism online from Jujutsu Kaisen fans because it seems that author Gege Akutami drew him doing one of Satoru Gojo's finest moments. While this is meaningless in the grand scheme of things, it does say a lot about how the character is perceived by a portion of the fandom at the moment.