Produced by MAPPA Studios, the latest episode of Jujutsu Kaisen was a grand tribute to Gurren Lagann, popularly regarded as one of the greatest anime ever. The Mecha anime heavily influenced the studio, as they structured the final moments of the fight between Mahito versus Kokichi Muta in the same vein as Anti-Spiral versus Simon in the second animated film of Gurren Lagann.
Other than that, fans quickly noticed subtle references from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion as the roar of Absolute Mechamaru penetrated the sky. Undoubtedly, the stunning episode was a visual treat for lovers of the Mecha.
Fans react as MAPPA takes inspiration from Gurren Lagann and Evangelion to animate Kokichi versus Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, episode 7, was released on September 7, 2023, and took the internet by storm. Produced by MAPPA Studio, the Evening Festival episode was visually stunning, containing several direct references from the legendary anime series Gurren Lagann. Additionally, there were a few subtle references from the critically acclaimed mecha anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Picking up the events from the previous episode, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 7 commenced straightway with high-voltage action. Kokichi Muta maneuvered his Absolute Mechamaru and used Mecha-type attacks on Mahito, who easily dodged them.
However, the dark-haired sorcerer could critically destroy a portion of Mahito's soul using a special weapon. Even though Mechamaru/Kokichi Muta lost the battle against Mahito at the end, fans were amazed by his resilience and courage. According to fans, MAPPA beautifully captured the fight between Kokichi Muta and Mahito.
From fluid animation to visually stunning frames, every aspect of the seventh episode's production was on point, including the references from the highly-rated mecha anime titles. As previously mentioned, the episode saw direct references from the critically acclaimed anime series Gurren Lagann.
The final moments of the battle when Kokichi Muta uses his everything to charge at Mahito was reminiscent of Simon charging at the Anti-Spiral with his drill in Gurren Lagann The Movie: The Lights In The Sky Are Stars. The close-view shot of Kokichi's face was almost identical to Simon's face, as seen in the film.
On the other side of the spectrum, Mahito's multiple morphed hands with which he charged at Kokichi had an uncanny resemblance to Anti-Spiral's attack in the said film. Apart from this, several fans noticed plenty of subtle references to Neon Genesis Evangelion in the latest episode of Jujutsu Kaisen, especially with Absolute Mechamaru's visage.
The entire episode was heavy with the theme of Mecha, which is why it was an ideal situation for MAPPA to include such references. Fans have felt that it was MAPPA's way of paying homage to Gurren Lagann and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Numerous Jujutsu Kaisen fans have taken to X (formerly Twitter), expressing their views on how the renowned animation studio used blatant references from Gurren Lagann. Some ardent fans also compared the clippings and showed the uncanny resemblance. Others have also commented on MAPPA paying homage to the legendary mecha anime.
The ceremonial battle between the dark-haired sorcerer and the special grade curse also set the stage for the Shibuya incident. Without any doubt, MAPPA has exceeded the fans' expectations by delivering a breathtaking episode. As such, fans are waiting patiently for the next episode of Jujutsu Kaisen.
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