Since the start of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, the series has released 27 manga volumes. With that, the manga series effectively released manga covers for 24 characters. These covers included characters that appeared briefly in the manga like Naoya Zen'in, Yuki Tsukumo, and others. Unfortunately, the series has yet to release a manga volume with Shoko Ieiri on the cover.
Fans have been left distraught by this realization as there are several characters who fans do not care much about but received a manga cover. Moreover, characters like Satoru Gojo, Ryomen Sukuna, and Suguru Geto/Kenjaku received two covers each. While it is true that Geto and Kenjaku are different people, they do look the same. Hence, fans voiced their opinion on the same online.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen fans urge manga creator to give Shoko her own manga cover
Jujutsu Kaisen fans love Shoko Ieiri. Hence, when they realized that she hadn't received a manga cover yet, they were left distraught. The character has been part of the series from the very beginning. However, manga creator Gege Akutami ignored her and chose other characters to feature on the manga covers till now.
Fans were especially bothered by the fact that characters like Mei Mei and Kusakabe had received manga covers. Both characters weren't really liked by the fans. Nevertheless, Gege Akutami chose to give them covers before fan-favorite Shoko Ieiri.
That said, some fans questioned if Shoko Ieiri actually deserved the honor. As per them, Shoko had yet to do anything impactful enough in the manga, that could qualify her to be featured on a manga cover.
Some fans even believed that Ui Ui, Mei Mei's little brother was more deserving of a manga cover right now. This is because, during the Shinjuku Showdown arc, Ui Ui has been seen multiple times teleporting characters away from the battlefield, giving him an important role in the manga chapters.
The reason fans were so confused about the situation was because manga creator Gege Akutami kept saying that Shoko Ieiri was one of the most important characters in the series due to her Reverse Cursed Technique. Unfortunately, that quality seemingly wasn't enough for her to qualify for a Jujutsu Kaisen manga cover feature in Gege Akutami's eyes.
That said, many fans were hoping that the character would receive a manga volume cover feature in Jujutsu Kaisen volume 27. However, fans were suspicious that the cover would feature Ryomen Sukuna in his true form.
Meanwhile, other fans believed that Shoko Ieiri would receive a manga cover after Satoru Gojo returns in the series. They speculated this, hoping that Shoko would be the one to bring the fan-favorite character back to life. Unfortunately, the manga has yet to confirm whether the Six Eyes user can be revived or not.
With that, fans were left urging to the Jujutsu Kaisen manga creator Gege Akutami to give Shoko Ieiri a manga cover before the series ends.
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