Jujutsu Kaisen mainly focuses on Cursed Energy, Cursed Techniques and Innate Domains. However, it is the characters who do not possess any of this, namely Maki Zenin and Toji Fushiguro, who turned out to be fan favorites. Maki and Toji are the only sorcerers with zero Cursed Energy.
While that might prompt some to think that they would be powerless in Jujutsu society, that is far from the truth. In exchange for no Cursed Energy, the pair had been blessed with enhanced physical capabilities that set them apart from other sorcerers. However, even between the two, there is still one thing that Maki Zenin can do but Toji Fushiguro cannot.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Why can Maki see Curses? Explained
Maki Zenin and Toji Fushiguro differ in that the former can see Curses while the latter cannot. Maki's iconic half-frame glasses are imbued with Cursed Energy, like other Cursed Tools. By using these Cursed Tools in sync, Maki can fight on par with other sorcerers when it comes to exorcising Curses.
On the other hand, Fushiguro wasn't able to see Curses. However, he honed his senses to such an extent that he could easily perceive them. So, although he could not see them, his senses allowed him to flawlessly keep up in battle, as seen when he fought Suguru Geto.
What happened to Maki and Toji?

Both Maki and Toji were born with little to no Cursed Energy. Toji was born with absolutely no Cursed Energy while Maki possessed enough to match a normal human's levels, i.e., barely sufficient.
Since this was the circumstance, the two were shunned by the clan. Toji chose to bow out, while Maki was determined to prove herself worthy. But all was not lost for the pair, as although they lacked Cursed Energy, they possessed something very special.
Heavenly Restriction
Maki and Toji were unique as they had what Jujutsu Kaisen calls Heavenly Restriction. Put simply, it is a restraint (or Binding Vow) placed upon a sorcerer when they are born. During that time, a contract is formed where the sorcerer's Cursed Energy is affected in a certain way in exchange for something else.
The most common cases are Maki and Toji. Cursed Energy was traded for immense physical capabilities. Thus, even with no Cursed Energy, the two are still able to go toe to toe with other sorcerers and prove to be quite threatening.
There is another type of Heavenly Restriction in Jujutsu Kaisen, which is the polar opposite of Maki and Toji's. Here, the bearer sacrifices physicality for an enormous amount of Cursed Energy. This is seen in Mechamaru/Kokichi Muta's case, where his Cursed Energy levels were leaps above average. The trade-off, however, included bidding farewell to either the right arm or the lower part of both legs, having extremely fragile skin, and constant crippling pain described as "every pore being stabbed repeatedly."
How powerful are Maki and Toji?

Maki was born with very little Cursed Energy. But that also gave her immense strength and speed that surpassed those of her peers. In a bid to prove herself, she sharpened her abilities in using Cursed Tools. However, her Heavenly Restriction's potential was realized much later in the series.
During the Culling Games in Jujutsu Kaisen, Maki was thrown into a pit filled with Cursed Spirits. That is when she unlocks its full potential by giving up even the little Cursed Energy she had for peak physical prowess.

Similarly, Toji, Jujutsu Kaisen's Sorcerer Killer, developed his Heavenly Restriction at an early age. Having no Cursed Energy led to the clan ostracizing him and eventually throwing him into the same Cursed Spirit-filled pit. Surely enough, he re-emerged with nothing but a scar on his lip.
Again, the extent of Toji's abilities is seen when he easily dispatches Suguru Geto and even Gojo Satoru. Having no Cursed Energy allowed him to fully develop his Heavenly Restriction and push his body to its absolute maximum physical limit.
In Conclusion
Given Heavenly Restriction's conditions, it can be viewed as unfair to the bearer in Jujutsu Kaisen. In a world of Cursed Energy, Cursed Techniques, and Innate Domains, individuals with none of these should suffer. But there is always something gained from a loss.
In Maki Zenin's and Toji Fushiguro's cases, restraint's full potential gave them a distinct edge. They unlocked Heavenly Restriction to its complete extent, putting them head and shoulders above many sorcerers in the Jujutsu world.