Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga series has gained immense global popularity for its supernatural battles and captivating narrative. One fan-favorite character who intrigues readers is Panda, an unusual shikigami taking the form of a giant panda. Panda's cryptic nature and comedic moments have entertained audiences throughout the series.
However, the unfolding plot twists in the manga have left many wondering about Panda's well-being and role going forward. As the harrowing arcs progress with intensifying stakes, viewers eagerly await the answer to Panda's whereabouts and what may lie ahead for him.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Panda's current status remains unclear
Panda's current situation in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga is still unclear. In an intense fight against Hajime Kashimo during the Culling Game arc, Panda endured a crushing loss. His body was demolished, leaving only his head remaining. It appeared that Panda's end was imminent.
However, just as Hajime Kashimo was about to deliver the final strike, Kinji Hakari, another player in the Culling Game and an ally to Panda, intervened. Hakari's interruption has raised questions about Panda's fate.
Kashimo, a skilled curse user, firmly believes that Panda still lives. His belief stems from the fact that after defeating Panda, he did not gain any points, which Culling Game participants obtain upon defeating their opponents.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Who is Panda?
Panda is an unusual Shikigami in the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Created by Masamichi Yaga, the former principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High, Panda has extraordinary power and strength, making him a formidable opponent in battle. He is renowned for his resemblance to a panda, with a round form, fluffy coat, and charming facial expressions.
Through Yaga's making, Panda fights alongside students at the school to defend against lurking curses while providing comic relief with his panda-like antics and mannerisms.
Panda's skills and trustworthiness have made him a valuable part of fighting curses and protecting people from supernatural dangers. His personality adds humor and likeability to the series, winning him fans. While loyal to his friends and mission, Panda brings levity through his animated antics and carefree nature, balancing the dark themes of their work.
Though capable, he retains a playful spirit and often lightens tense situations with his quirky behavior. Fans appreciate Panda's lighthearted yet dedicated approach, which complements the serious talents of his more stoic teammates.
Final thoughts
The fate of Panda in Jujutsu Kaisen continues to be unknown. Though his loss against Hajime Kashimo appeared to mean the end, Kinji Hakari's timely interference has allowed some doubt around his survival. Readers are excited to find out more in upcoming manga installments and discover what truly happened to Panda.
Panda is a significant character in the story and fans still remain in doubt about whether he survives or not. His distinctive look, extraordinary talents, and steadfast faithfulness created a beloved persona within the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Going forward in the manga, it will be intriguing to discover how Panda's tale evolves and what part he may assume later on.