The Jujutsu Kaisen manga is currently focusing on the Jujutsu Sorcerers's fight against Ryomen Sukuna. However, at the same time, the manga has been showcasing one another fight, i.e., Uraume vs Kinji Hakari. Fans know that Hakari is quite strong, hence, fans were left to ponder his opponent Uraume's grade.
Uraume is a curse user from a thousand years ago who served directly under Ryomen Sukuna. Since then, the curse user has served under Kenjaku to seal Satoru Gojo and revive Sukuna. While it is clear that Uraume is strong, their grade has left the fans confused.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
What grade is Uraume from Jujutsu Kaisen?
Jujutsu Kaisen manga has yet to reveal Uraume's grade. The manga previously revealed how Special Grade was that rank which was reserved for anomalies within the Jujutsu community. This means sorcerers who have immense strength capable of destroying a country. Such power makes them very exclusive, hence the special title.
That said, as evident from the manga, Uraume has yet to do anything that could be classified as a special grade feat. But given that they are Sukuna's subordinates, it can only be presumed that they are really strong.
Even if one were to forget that, the truth remains that Uraume might be stronger than Special Grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu. As fans would know, Yuta Okkotsu is one of the four Special Grade sorcerers in the Jujutsu world. Nevertheless, Yuta believed that his senior Kinji Hakari was stronger than him.
As revealed by the manga, Hakari was categorized as a Grade 1 Sorcerer. Thus, Yuta's opinion about him seemed false. But the truth is that Kinji Hakari was suspended from Jujutsu Tech. Hence, there is a possibility that Hakari had turned into a special grade but was yet to be officially graded the same.
If that is the case, there is a good chance that Kinji Hakari is a Special Grade sorcerer. This along with the manga's recent developments hint at Uraume being a Special Grade.
The recent events of the manga have seen Uraume fighting Kinji Hakari for a prolonged time. If Yuta's comment about Hakari is true, it effectively means that Uraume is stronger than Yuta, hinting at them potentially being a special-grade sorcerer.
However, this theory only works if Yuta Okkotsu's comment about his senior Kinji Hakari's strength is true. Given their statuses, there is a good chance that Yuta may have praised Hakari due to his respect for his upperclassmen. In that case, given the stalemate between Uraume and Hakari in the manga, there is a good chance that Uraume could be a high Grade 1 sorcerer.
Even if one were to look at Hakari's domain expansion or any of his moves, it seems very difficult for him to have enough strength to take down a village. With such arguments, it is difficult to say whether Hakari is a special grade or a grade 1. The same appears to be the case with Sukuna's subordinate Uraume.
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