The Jujutsu Kaisen manga has recently released chapter 249, showcasing Yuta Okkotsu’s battle with Ryomen Sukuna and the former using his Domain Expansion for the first time in the series. The chapter was heavily focused on the battle between those two characters. However, there was room for other elements to discuss, including the resolution of the Kenjaku subplot, which, in a way, also answered something involving Suguru Geto.
Chapter 249 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga also revealed that Yuta managed to kill Kenjaku, or at least that is the current general perception. While this means the end for one of the two main antagonists of the series, it also reveals something quite fascinating regarding Geto and why he wasn’t killed during his ten-year run as a terrorist in the Jujutsu world.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda.
Explaining why Suguru Geto was executed during his ten-year run as a terrorist in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga
It was confirmed in chapter 249 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga that once Suguru Geto’s body was severed, Kenjaku released all the Curses that were stored in the body. This resulted in Yuta Okkotsu having to summon Rika and have her destroy all of these Curses, which, in a way, explains why Geto wasn’t executed during his time as a Jujutsu terrorist.
Of course, the fact that volume 0, the storyline where Geto was killed, was written before author Gege Akutami had a plan for the remainder of the series gives much more context as to why he wasn’t executed before. However, chapter 249 does explain that if he had been killed, he probably would have released a lot of Curses he had stored over the years, resulting in a potential tragedy.
It is also worth pointing out that Geto had enough Curses in his arsenal to distract most Jujutsu sorcerers and another set to fight the group of Panda, Maki, Inumaki, and Yuta. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense that the Geto situation was treated carefully because there was no guarantee of what could happen if he had been executed at the time.
Geto’s role in the story
Suguru Geto is, alongside characters like Yuki Tsukumo or Toji Fushiguro, extremely important to the plot of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga despite not having a lot of appearances in the series. In fact, Geto only shows up as an antagonist in volume 0 and as a supporting character in the Hidden Inventory arc, with Kenjaku using his body for any other appearances.
However, Geto’s importance to the plot is monumental since he was the one who gave Kenjaku a strong enough body to fulfill his goal due to the former’s Cursed Technique. His descent into madness also prompted Satoru Gojo to follow another path in his life as a teacher, which eventually led to him saving the lives of Yuta Okkotsu and Yuji Itadori, the two being very important.
Geto, also from a thematic perspective, was a very important character in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga since he pointed out Jujutsu society’s hypocrisy and toxic nature. He was constantly fighting evil entities from an early age while being witness to some of humanity’s most awful deeds, which was on full display during the assassination of Riko Amanai in the Hidden Inventory arc, thus leading Geto down a dark path where he grew resentful of normal humans.
Final thoughts
The Jujutsu Kaisen manga has confirmed in chapter 249 that once Suguru Geto’s body is murdered, the hundreds of Curses he has stored will come out. This has led to the conclusion that this is why Geto wasn’t executed for so many years prior to his end in volume 0.