Hell's Paradise, a recent anime series that started airing in April 2023, has immediately captivated viewers with its cast of interesting characters, a perfect dark fantasy world lurking with threats, and stunning visuals that only MAPPA could have brought to light. Based on Yuji Kaku's manga, the series follows the ninja Gabimaru, who has been assigned a mission to find the elixir of immortality to win his freedom.
In the latest episode, Hell's Paradise will introduce a new voice actor that the animanga community is already familiar with. Fans may have heard Junichi Suwabe voicing Sukuna in another of MAPPA's celebrated anime series, Jujutsu Kaisen.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Hell's Paradise.
Hell's Paradise introduces new cast members to voice the Lord Tensen
In the latest installment of Hell's Paradise episode 7, fans are introduced to the seven immortal deities ruling over the land of Shinsenkyo, known as Lord Tensen. Gabimaru, Sagiri, and Yuzuriha are made aware of the group, which consists of its leader Rien and the other members, Ju Fa, Tao Fa, Zhu Jin, Mu Dan, Ran, and Gui Fa. These entities are believed to have been born after a Seinen split himself after achieving enlightenment.
Lord Tensen have spent their time practicing Tao, with the ultimate goal of achieving immortality and creating the elixir of life. However, readers of the manga are aware that this is not the only plan they have in store. They have an even more sinister plan that they aim to carry out in Japan.
The Tensen characters are alternatively voiced by popular Japanese voice actors Junichi Suwabe and Yuuko Kaida. As mentioned earlier, Suwabe has previously lent his voice to the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, in Jujutsu Kaisen. He has also voiced various other iconic characters in recent times, such as Shota Aizawa in My Hero Academia, Bercouli Synthesis One in Sword Art Online, Shoei Barou in Blue Lock, and Kyogai in Demon Slayer.
Yuuko Kaida is also a popular Japanese voice actor known for roles, including Tsukuyo in Gintama, Kyou Takamimori in Potemayo, and Isabella in The Promised Neverland.
In addition, Hell's Paradise episode 7 introduces Mei, a mysterious girl that Gabimaru encounters, voiced by Konomi Kohara. Kohara has made a name for herself as a voice actress, playing Chika Fujiwara in Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Hanako Kamado in Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train, and Tachibana Akane in Classroom of the Elite.
Fans can expect to hear more about Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 as well as Hell's Paradise at the MAPPA Stage 2023 event, which will be held on May 21, 2023. Meanwhile, fans can catch the upcoming episode of Hell's Paradise releasing on May 20, at 11 pm JST.