Jujutsu Kaisen's Culling Games arc introduced a plethora of new characters, each vying for the spotlight. Among these, Higuruma Hiromi emerged as a standout, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. His compelling character development and intricately woven arc catapulted him to the forefront, making him one of the most beloved figures in the series.
Fans unanimously agree that Higuruma's story was not just well-crafted but also impeccably delivered, adding layers of depth to his persona. Many fans have also compared differences in treatment between Higuruma and Gojo's character arcs.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen series.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Higuruma got the treatment that Gojo deserved
The treatment of characters plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and eliciting strong emotions from the readers. One striking comparison that highlights this discrepancy in character development and resolution is the contrast between the arcs of Hiromi Higuruma and Satoru Gojo, two significant figures in the series.
Hiromi Higuruma, introduced as a new character, received meticulous attention from the mangaka, Gege Akutami. Higuruma's backstory and motivations were explored in depth, revealing his inner struggles and the profound disappointment he experienced in the face of societal injustice. His backstory encapsulated within a single chapter, was a testament to the careful craftsmanship of his character arc.
Higuruma's story became an instant fan favorite, with fans appreciating the meticulous exploration of his character and the layers of complexity added to his persona. On the other hand, the treatment of Satoru Gojo, inarguably the most pivotal character in Jujutsu Kaisen, stood in stark contrast.
Despite Gojo's significant role throughout the series, his demise was offscreen, leaving fans bereft of closure. Unlike Higuruma, Gojo's fate remained shrouded in ambiguity, his character arc left rather unfinished and his motivations unexplored. This absence of resolution left a void in the narrative, leaving readers yearning for a more satisfying conclusion to Gojo's story.
The disparity between Higuruma's comprehensive character development and Gojo's unresolved fate became a point of discussion within the Jujutsu Kaisen community. Fans couldn't help but compare the meticulous attention given to Higuruma's arc with the abrupt departure of Gojo.
The depth of Higuruma's character served as a testament to the respect he was accorded in the storyline, a level of respect that Gojo's death, unfortunately, did not receive even though he deserved it.
While Satoru Gojo's fate remains uncertain, there is hope among Jujutsu Kaisen fans that Gege Akutami will revisit his character, providing the closure and exploration they crave. The possibility of Gojo's return in future chapters lingers, offering a glimmer of anticipation for his fans.
Additionally, the ongoing narrative hints at the potential for an epic showdown between Yuji and Sukuna, promising the resolution of a long-awaited conflict. Furthermore, the intricacies of Hiromi Higuruma's character might be further explored, deepening the layers of his story.
Final Thoughts
Following the release of Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 241 on November 5, 2023, the manga will be on a one-week hiatus. Fans eagerly anticipate the continuation of the intense Takaba vs Kenjaku battle in chapter 242, with hopes high for the long-awaited Yuji vs Sukuna confrontation hinted at in chapter 238.
The story of Jujutsu Kaisen has already entered its final phase and is probably nearing its ending with every passing chapter.