Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the most popular manga and anime series known for its intense battles and deep lore. Lately, the potential return of one of its most beloved characters, Gojo Satoru, has kept the series at the center of discussions. However, the official art for volume 26 seems to have shut down all talk of Gojo's return.
As volume 26 closes, an evocative image captures the readers' attention - a flower, specifically the same type that adorned the Gojo cover earlier. By the end of the volume, this flower has withered and appears to be bleeding. This recent cover image has triggered many interpretations and theories within the Jujutsu Kaisen fanbase, especially on social media platforms such as X.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Is Gojo’s fate sealed by a withered flower? Exploring the clues in volume 26’s artwork
In the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Gojo Satoru, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, died in a monumental battle against Sukuna, a major antagonist, detailed in chapter 236. Despite Gojo's nearly impenetrable Infinity Technique, Sukuna, armed with a trump card—Mahoraga's special abilities—successfully overwhelmed it.
Mahoraga's manipulation of cursed energy and ability to extend its attacks through the fabric of space proved too much for Gojo, resulting in his shocking and decisive defeat. Sukuna split Gojo's body into two halves, marking a tragic and unbelievable end to his character. This left the fanbase in disbelief and sparked questions about the potential for his revival or preservation.
JJK fans interpret Gojo’s return and share their perspective on the volume 26 artwork
After Gojo's death, fans have come up with many theories and guesses. An interesting idea was shared by a fan on social media, discussing the deep meaning of the volume 26 artwork. There are many different thoughts, but a lot of them focus on the dying Camellia flower, a big symbol in Jujutsu Kaisen.
One JJK fan commented on @Go_Jover's X post that the flower in the image is a Camellia, which is called Tsubaki in Japanese. According to Japanese tradition, this flower represents love and missing someone. People usually give it to someone they really wish to see again.
This idea has made some fans think that the dying Camellia could mean Gojo will return.
Talking about the dying Camellia in Jujutsu Kaisen volume 26 shows how much can be said with just one picture. The flower suggests that people miss Gojo and hope he'll come back. But its poor state might also mean he won't return. Despite this, some fans still believe that Gojo's return is possible.
In the end, even though there's a tiny chance that Gojo Satoru might come back in Jujutsu Kaisen, the signs, like the withered Camellia, hint that we should prepare for the story to continue without him.