As the second season of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series continues with the third episode released earlier on July 20, fans are loving Gojo’s Past arc more and more. While the sequel season of the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Gege Akutami’s manga series confused fans initially with the arc, many have become fully invested.
This is with nearly perfect timing as well, considering that the third episode saw round one of Toji Fushiguro versus Satoru Gojo commence in exciting fashion. However, Jujutsu Kaisen fans noticed that Toji was using a peculiar Cursed Tool to fight Gojo, which seemingly negated the effects of the Limitless and the Infinity it creates.
This Special Grade Cursed Tool is none other than the Inverted Spear of Heaven and is one of the most powerful Cursed Tools in all of Jujutsu Kaisen. The reason why it’s held in such high regard stems from the Cursed Technique it has been imbued with, making it overpoweringly strong, as evidenced in episode 3.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen’s latest episode introduces one of series’ most broken weapons and concepts
As mentioned above, Jujutsu Kaisen’s Inverted Spear of Heaven is a Special Grade Cursed Tool imbued with an extremely unique and powerful Cursed Technique. As seen in episode 3, the weapon’s Cursed Technique allows it to force the stoppage of any other Cursed Technique it comes into contact with.
This includes Satoru Gojo’s Limitless and the Infinity it creates, which allowed Toji to stab Gojo through the throat with it during the first round of their fight. As far as is currently known, this rule of nullification applies to all Cursed Techniques, especially considering that it effortlessly negated Gojo’s Limitless.
It’s unknown how or when Toji acquired the blade before the Jujutsu Kaisen series started. However, the most likely answer is that he acquired it before his exile from the Zenin family and kept it hidden from them by storing it in his Cursed Spirit Hidden Inventory. Such an assumption can also be applied to the other Cursed Tools in Toji’s possession.
What’s also unknown about the weapon is who imbued it with such a powerful Cursed Technique. However, the weapon is said to be powered by “a special foreign type” of Cursed Energy which suggests that it was made outside Japan and Tengen’s jurisdiction. Unfortunately, there’s no current information that can specifically attribute the weapon’s origins.
What happens to the blade after Gojo’s Past arc is as equally large a mystery, with no confirmed answer on its ultimate fate. However, ideas for its eventual fate include it either being destroyed or being taken overseas and sealed in a hidden location in a foreign country outside of Tengen’s barrier.
Be sure to follow for more anime updates and manga news as 2023 progresses.
This article was modified on Friday, July 21, at 3:19 pm.