In the dark and complex world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the relationship between Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto held great meanings. The two characters started as close companions and allies within the Jujutsu world, working together to fight cursed spirits. However, over time their beliefs began to diverge which eventually led them down opposing paths as bitter rivals.
Geto had been Gojo's closest friend but even after turning into an enemy, Gojo found it difficult to fully let go of the bond they once shared. There were surely deep emotions that Gojo grappled with upon encountering Geto's body after their final battle. While aiming to protect humanity as a jujutsu sorcerer, Gojo's heart remained conflicted over his longstanding relationship and history with Geto.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The unbreakable bond of friendship between Gojo and Geto
The connection between Gojo and Geto acts as a significant aspect in comprehending Gojo's struggles to destroy Geto's remains in Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Their companionship, molded amid their time at Jujutsu High School, was stamped by encounters, assignments, and a sound rivalry. As the best of the best, they pushed one another to develop and created a profound association.
While Gojo and Geto once shared a close bond at the start of the Jujutsu Kaisen timeline, in time their views began to diverge. Gojo was of the mindset that might made it right, without any justification of strength. Geto, however, felt the vulnerable deserved defending against power. It was these opposing stances that served as the first cracks in the foundations of their friendship, heralding its eventual breaking point.
Regardless of their disagreements, Gojo still had a small hope that his companion could be rescued, that redemption was possible. Gojo hesitated to finish off Geto because of his sense of duty.
As a mentor and instructor, Gojo thinks it's vital to help train the next group of Jujutsu Sorcerers. He sees himself as a person who can lead and mold what's to come, and this covers his past friend too. In his view, Geto demonstrates a sorrowful instance of the effects of their differing views.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The breaking of their friendship
A few things led to the end of Gojo and Geto's friendship. First, when Toji Fushiguro almost killed Gojo, it pushed him to go beyond his limits and gain an unmatched level of skill. This new power changed the way they worked together, with Gojo often tackling assignments alone instead of as a team.
Geto started feeling left out and lacking in confidence without his partner by his side. Being sent off solo more meant their bond grew distant as Geto struggled with insecurity over his own abilities next to Gojo's rising talent.
After losing Riko - known as The Star Plasma Vessel - to Toji Fushiguro and the Star Religious Group cult, Geto began rethinking his views. This loss caused him to question why Jujutsu Sorcerers worked to protect humanity and whether non-sorcerers were really worth defending.
He started feeling resentful about the responsibility placed on Sorcerers to shield weaker people. As Geto's philosophy shifted towards one of death and destruction, it drove a wedge between him and Gojo due to their differing beliefs.
Final thoughts
Gojo's inability to dispose of Geto's body in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 after their fight demonstrates the complexity of their relationship and Gojo's conflicting feelings. Though Geto gave into darkness, Gojo couldn't fully cut ties due to their deep bond from the past. Gojo held on to hope for Geto's redemption as his mentor. This hope and sense of duty influenced Gojo's choice to keep Geto's body instead of destroying it.