The Shinju, introduced as the antagonists of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, have displayed numerous abilities, including the use of tailed beast bombs and the Black Band portals, primarily utilized by Code.
While Jura's overwhelming power level has already been thoroughly established through his demeanor toward every foe he has faced, Mamumshi's ability to resist and detect Eida through her Omnipotence poses several narrative challenges.
While battle shonen series often rely on an overwhelmingly strong antagonistic force that the protagonist must overcome, many series overuse this trope, ultimately finding no logical way to defeat the antagonist. This has already been the case with both Naruto and Bleach, with the rather controversial defeats of Madara and Yhwach.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Boruto series and reflects the author's opinions.
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: Shinju's immunity to Shinjutsu might lead to one of the worst endings of all time
The Shinju were introduced in Chapter 4 of the Blue Vortex manga and were described as the divine tree personified. The divine tree itself has been a significant plot device, central to nearly every major plot point since the Naruto series. Essentially, the divine tree originates from the Ten Tails, which itself serves as the sapling of the divine tree.
The divine tree functions as a chakra-harvesting mechanism, drawing in an entire planet's chakra to produce the chakra fruit, which, when consumed by an Otsutsuki, acts as a power boost. The repeated consumption of chakra fruits from countless worlds evidently led to Shibai Otsutsuki's ascension into godhood, indirectly serving as the origin of Shinjutsu, such as Eida's omnipotence, which triggered the events of Boruto Part 2.
Mamushi, the Shinju created in Bug's image, managed to detect Eida while she was using omnipotence to spy on the Shinju's conversation, hinting at the possibility that the Shinju have somehow evolved to resist, or even become immune to Shinjutsu.
The current power balance within the story revolves around the protagonist, Kawaki, and other key players like Kashin Koji, Eida, and Daemon. While they function differently, their main abilities center around Shinjutsu or some derivative of it.
If the main antagonists are completely immune to one of the series' most prominent power systems, it could necessitate introducing a new system or ability to potentially defeat them, akin to the situation with Yhwach in the Bleach series.
Yhwach's abilities eventually rendered him too powerful to be defeated by any character, and his demise was delivered by a deus ex machina, which many fans still consider an illogical plot point.
The Shinju's resistance to Shinjutsu can be logically explained, as the divine tree itself is the catalyst for godhood and Shinjutsu. However, complete immunity could undermine the impact of numerous power-ups that have occurred in the series, ultimately becoming a narrative challenge that might require a new deus ex machina to resolve.
Final thoughts
The upcoming Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 16, set to be released on November 20, 2024, will reveal the Shinju and the protagonists' next course of action now that the protagonist has entered an alliance with Kawaki.
The full extent of the Shinju's capabilities has yet to be uncovered, given their rather mysterious nature and lack of serious fights.
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